Its Over

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Once the sand burial has happened no movement could be seen. Gaara pulls me closer and I grab on his jacket. "He's not dead." Whispering I see a hand come out of the sand. His hand that is now activated his curse mark. The hole in the side of his mouth is making me sick.

"If I haven't grown a membrane of bone under my skin I would have been dead." This guy is in believable. "I-Impossible..." Lee is even surprised. "More bones. He's a monster. A freak." Gaara's smooth words are calm. My grip gets tighter. "Well he certainly is a nuisance."

"Lee take Hannah." Gaara passes me to my bushy brow friend. He starts doing hand signs forming big waves of sand. Lee gasp from how big they are. "Sand tsunami!" Gaar puts his hands together as the sand is now huge. I definitely wouldn't want to be on the other end of that.

The sand is going for Kimi. He is trying his best to dodge it all but finally gets smacked down by it all. All of it covers the near by forest. "Iron sand burial." Slamming his hands down on the ground the earth starts to shake. I hold onto Lee so I don't fall.

As soon as the shaking stopped I let go. Looking at all the sand I look for him.

Where are you? Show yourself.

A tentacle soon pops out. "Wait a minute. What is that?" Lee was the first to speak. Gaara stays quiet but I can't. "Tentacle porn anyone haha." I think back to my friend at home who was into that stuff. I wonder how she is.

Kimi pops up. Nevermind it's a tail. Well there went my joke out the window. Gaara raises his hands creating another barrier around him. He breaks out and runs for us. He's fast! To fast! Gaara is trying to catch him but he is quick. Getting through everything he actually hits Gaara.

"NO!" I run to him. He just hurt my man. "Gaara are you okay?" I kneel down to him. The shell around his face is broken. "I'm fine." He doesn't even look at me. He turns his attention to Kimi. It was Lee's turn to be hit.

"THATS IT!" Getting up I start to do hand signs. "Shadow clone jutsu!" Multiple me's show up. "Let's go for it!" Running at full speed he manages to hit all of us. He hit me the hardest though. Sending me flying through the air just like the boys.

When I start to fall to the ground I never meet it. Instead I am caught in sand. The softness of it crashes the blow. My blue eyes go to the source. "Gaara..." He is to good to me!

Floating down I land on the grass. "I'm tired of that sand." I hear the most disturbing noise even. Kimi is pulling out his spin to use as a sword. He slings it towards Gaara only to have sand protect him.

As Kimi grows his bone drill Gaara creates his Shukaku shield. To be honest it's kinda Cute. Once he tries to break through he doesn't succeed. Instead his drill breaks. Oh what bad luck.

"Hmm not bad. You are protected but not your woman." Suddenly Kimi starts to shoot bone bullets at me. I am too scared to move. This wasn't in the show! Than again I wasn't either. Kimi is now coming after me to get to Gaara.

Run you idiot! Run!

Listening to my thoughts my feet start to move. I have to get behind that shield. Some of the sand guards me but one hits me right in the arm. Screaming in pain I fall as soon as I'm behind the shield. That scream was all it took for Gaara to go into action. Trapping Kimi by the feet he releases his sand unwrapping the spin sword from around him.

Kimi is sinking into the ground. Fighting off the sand. "I will bury you 200 meters below the surface of the earth under pressure so great you won't be able to move a finger. Imprisoned there to the end of time." All that for hurting me. It's in the show but he seems more angry saying it now.

Once he is gone Gaara turns to me. "Are you okay?" He kneels down to me. "Don't worry about me. We need to get off the ground. Kimimaro isn't done with us yet." Breathing out that is when bones started popping out of the ground at insane speed.

Gaara takes my advice. Lifting all of us and all that is left is a battlefield full of bone spears stick out. "Gaara thank you. You saved me again. These powers of your are remarkable."

Speaking to soon Gaara is hunching over. He is loosing to much chakra. "Gaara..." I ignore my pain and focus on the man I love. "My strength is all gone." He is sweating. "We must descend." I hug his arm.

"He was a stubborn one but it's all over." We look at the forest of bone. "No it's not." I whisper so he doesn't hear me but he does. "I am not his pawn! He was the only one to give my life meaning!" Kimi is right behind us. I stand between him and Gaara. My body acting on its own. "Move girl."

"I won't. I won't let you hurt the man I love. Oruchimaru may have gave you meaning but Gaara gives me meaning. If you want to kill him well you best kill me first bone head!" I know he will die. Drawing his drill back he was about to pierce me through my head till he stopped. He has died.

Falling on the sand I can't believe I just did that. I can't believe I just told off Kimi. "Hannah you idiot." Gaara voice is deep like he is mad. "Hannah he could have killed you." Lee joins in. I don't say anything. I just look at the dead man in front of me. He had a bad heart condition.

"I feel so sorry for him. Oruchimaru was just using him. He couldn't have used his body because he had a heart condition but he used him in a different way." I ignore them. "Kimi I hope you rest easy now. I hope you are with your family."

"Hannah." I look at Gaara. His green orbs taking mine hostage. "Let's get you back to have your arm looked at." Nodding to him he leads us away.

Destiny intertwined (Gaara X OC)Where stories live. Discover now