13: The News

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"XAVIER! XAVIER! Oh, I have the most wonderful news!" Queen Bêtel exclaims as she bursts through the doors to the Hall of Private Audience, where Xavier has been meeting with the Royal Advisers over various trade agreements and the Royal Treasury--the 'boring' things that the Queen has no interest in.

"I suppose you have thought up a new addition for the Royal Torture Emporium, Your Majesty?" the Prince asks dryly, extremely annoyed at being interrupted. His ride back to the palace from Adrennes had been anything but pleasant, as it had to be done in peasants' carts; they were the best substitute he could find for the Royal Carriage that Mireille's possessed cottage destroyed. He would not have minded but for the Queen's incessant griping. Indeed, he wonders that she has recovered from her indisposition so quickly.

"Even better!" the Queen squawks, flapping her arms excitedly. The Duke of Pelanshire smirks over the rim of his teacup as he sits in the corner, pretending to sort through some very important papers. "I have in my hands a fresh Royal Dispatch from the Palace of Roses!"

"Oh really? Do they want to set up a new trade agreement? Because that would warrant your interruption of my meeting with your Royal Advisers on matters of economic policy."

"Oh, hush! You'll never believe it! The lost Princess has been found!" The Duke spits out his tea in false surprise, leaving pale brown flecks on the Queen's lavender dress, but she is too excited to notice. The Prince actually sets down his papers and rises from his seat, disbelief etched across his features. Even the Advisers sit up straight and take notice at this unexpected news.

"The Princess Mireille?" Xavier inquires, pretending he has nothing more valid to say while praying that the Queen does not notice the Duke's tea spittle on her dress until much later in the day.

"Of course! They haven't any other missing princesses in Vyrunia, or any other nation, for that matter! Oh, it's marvelous, absolutely splendid! We can finally officially become allies with them!"

"Think you really that they will consent to marry her off so soon after finding her? And where has she been all this time?"

"Oh, none of that was in the dispatch, and I care not. I'm sure that they'll be willing to negotiate with us. Imagine, after all this time...this will be the crowning point of my reign!" Xavier has no chance to remind her that if he marries, the throne will be his as soon as the honeymoon is over. "Forget the economic...whatever you're working on! You will immediately begin drafting a message to King Christophe and Queen Généviève concerning the renewal of the negotiations between our countries--"

"Forgive me, Your Majesty, but if I may be so bold, I propose that I travel to Vyrunia in person, to congratulate Their Majesties and perhaps to reacquaint myself with Princess Mireille. I think it will be a much more tactful and appreciated method of fulfilling your request." The Queen arches an eyebrow; even as excited as she is, this seems a bit more proactive than the Xavier she knows. But she shrugs it off, thinking that perhaps he has had a change of heart due to all the jolting in the rickety peasant carts the afternoon before.

"Yes.... That would be a brilliant touch, wouldn't it? And of course you could finish your business with the Royal Treasury before you embark, as it wouldn't do for you to arrive any time before tomorrow morning. We wouldn't want to seem too hasty. Very well, as you please, then. Simply do not disappoint me. The negotiations must resume as soon as possible."

"Of course, Your Majesty. You are most gracious." She smirks and leaves without another word. The doors to the Hall of Private Audience slam behind her, leaving their crash to reverberate through the walls and floor and even the chairs of the Royal Advisers, the Prince, and the Duke.

"Well, that went uncommonly well, Your Highness," Jerôme remarks, taking another casual sip of tea. Xavier smiles slightly in spite of himself.

"Yes, indeed it did. I do believe you should start making travel arrangements, my friend," he replies coolly, much as though he is simply discussing the weather.

"Do you mean for me to accompany you, sir?"

"I would much prefer you to my usual guard, and I might well have need of your wit and diplomatic skill. Please make ready at once." The Duke bows and leaves. The Prince then turns to the Advisers, who are in various states of shock and disbelief. "Gentlemen, it is not proper for your mouths to be hanging open in such an unseemly fashion. Let us please return to business."

"But, Your Highness, do you suppose that it is really true, that the Princess has returned?" one of them gasps upon regaining some semblance of composure. Xavier's slight smile grows almost imperceptibly.

"All things are possible, and I shall know the truth sometime tomorrow. Now, gents, to business, and let us not have any more talk of this nonsense. Until I have seen the Vyrunian monarchs, anything we could discuss here would only be speculation. What were you saying about the budget, Lord Randolph?"

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