59: The Liberators

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"Godspeed to you on your journey. Make it as quick as possible. If the Grand Chancellor discovers that Vyrunia has had armed forces within his borders, it is at least as much cause for war as all the wrongs he has committed against us since the Princess's return," King Christophe dispatches Monique, Nagren, and the soldiers chosen to accompany them to Khandazar to retrieve Nagren's family. Nagren is eager to be off, but he seems to be the only one; Monique is stone-faced, and the soldiers are grumbling amongst themselves.

"Your Majesty, before we go," the Captain of the Guard of the Palace of Roses entreats his monarch, "I would like to test this newest knight of yours in swordplay."

"Challenge her yourself, Odilon, if you feel this necessary," the King sighs, clearly feeling this unnecessary.

"Well, Lady Monique? Will you accept my challenge?" Odilon presses, this time addressing the lady knight.

"As you wish," Monique replies, eerily calm, her face betraying nothing. Nagren wonders how she can be so stoic. Has she had any training? Does she have the stamina? Their swords are so heavy, he thinks, recalling the time he decided to try his hand at swordplay with some of the soldiers in Yama Gadyuk. He quickly learned that hand-to-hand combat was not for him.

Odilon and Monique square off, surrounded by the other soldiers, all of whom are muttering under their breaths about how the "uppity wench will get what's comin' to her." Monique cannot help but hear them; the corner of her mouth twitches with the faintest hint of a smirk. She has spent the majority of her free time since she started working in the Palace of Roses watching the soldiers at their training drills and sparring matches, and mimicking them in the shadows. Only since Mireille made it possible for her ladies to train openly has Monique had sparring partners, but her watching and mimicry have not been in vain; she far outshines all the other ladies. Further to her advantage, she knows Odilon's fighting style extremely well, having watched him for years.

One of the onlookers calls for the match to begin. Monique and Odilon circle each other. He is sharply intent, looking for an opening; she is impassive, waiting for him to make the first move.

After what feels to Nagren like forever, Odilon loses patience and lunges in for the first strike. Monique neatly sidesteps him and catches the backs of his legs with the flat of her blade. He whirls to attack her again and she practically dances out of the way of his downward strike, catching his blade with her own in a frightful clash of steel. More clashes ensue, with Monique always anticipating Odilon's next move.

Finally, she feels she has toyed with her opponent long enough. While their swords are pressed together at an impasse, she spins swiftly to one side, getting behind him and bringing the flat of her blade down across her opponent's back with enough force to knock him to the ground.

Nagren cannot believe his eyes. One could hear a pin drop in the courtyard where the fight has taken place; even the birds have stopped singing. The onlookers hardly dare to breathe, such is their shock. Only the King seems unperturbed. He and Monique make eye contact, and then Monique sheathes her sword and offers a hand to her opponent to help him up, which Odilon accepts with remarkable grace, considering what has occurred.

"You are no accidental knight," Odilon praises Monique. "I am satisfied, Your Majesty. We shall be on our way forthwith."

"Good. I am glad on it," King Christophe replies, a hint of a smirk playing about his lips. "See to it that none other of your company feels the need to test Lady Monique."

The men mutter severally that they would not think of such a thing, although Nagren doubts their sincerity. Nevertheless, in moments they are all on horseback and bound for Avren. King Christophe sent word ahead to Vincent, his castellan there, of the group's coming, and Vincent is to help them disguise themselves as Khandazarian soldiers. From there, they will travel with great speed to Nagren's former home. He is beside himself with anticipation. It has been too long since last he saw his family, and he can still hardly believe that he is alive, and free, and that they will be reunited, to be a family again. However, the pace Odilon has set for them makes it all but impossible for him to focus on much of anything beyond staying in the saddle and avoiding getting hit by tree branches.

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