53: The Strategy

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Mireille takes a deep breath as her father's personal attendant announces her to the Hall of Private Audience, where the King and his Royal Ministers are gathered. Xavier's letter has given her some idea of what to expect, but it was not particularly detailed, and she is nervous. However, she projects quiet confidence as she enters the room, curtseys slightly to the King's Ministers, and takes her seat at her father's left hand.

"Welcome, daughter. We hope you have recovered somewhat from our journey," King Christophe greets her, clearly still road-weary himself.

"I am always ready to serve my King and my country," she answers smoothly, hiding her own fatigue.

"That is good to hear, Your Highness, as much has happened while you and our King have been away," the Minister of Internal Affairs begins. "You have heard, I assume, of the Khandazarian ambassador who attacked our beloved Queen?"

"Yes, I have heard of that misfortune, Your Excellency. My lady Monique told me of that terrible event. I believe she was instrumental in thwarting the attack and in creating the message that was send to Khandazar regarding the incident."

"Our Queen left out the lady's involvement in that second bit," King Christophe interjects.

"None of us could deny that the lady earned the privilege when she saved the Queen from harm with her quick thinking and the daggers in her sleeves," the Minister of War and Defense admits grudgingly. "The Princess's notion that her women should be armed has worked in our favor, it seems."

"Aye, it did so while we were traveling, as well, but more on that another time. This is why we have insisted that our Princess join us today. But haste, gentlemen—what was your response to Khandazar?"

"The offending ambassador was executed and his remains are being shipped back to Khandazar for funeral services. The other ambassador has been imprisoned within the Palace of Roses. We have demanded an apology and restitution from the Grand Chancellor and informed him that we will no longer even entertain the notion of marrying our Princess to him," the Minister of Foreign Affairs recounts darkly.

"Good heavens," King Christophe mutters. "On the one hand, you have certainly acted as befits the situation. I cannot say I would have done much, if any, differently, had I been here and such an event occurred. On the other hand, this may well lead to war, and while a war might not be unwarranted, given the unprovoked attack on our Queen, a war would be entirely undesirable."

"For now we must simply wait for their reply, and be on our guard against whatever other untoward schemes Khandazar might perpetrate against us," the Minister of War and Defense points out, rather sagely considered his personal ambivalence toward a war.

"While we wait for the next development in our relations with Khandazar, we have received a letter from Prince Xavier of Mordalce in your absence, Your Majesty, and have waited until your return to open it," the Minister of Foreign Affairs announces, clearly suggesting their next order of business.

"By all means, let us have the letter. Perhaps there have been developments regarding the Midsummer's Eve Ball that demand our attention," the King instructs. The Royal Ministers waste no time in producing the parchment with Mordalce's royal seal and presenting it to their monarch. King Christophe opens it and, after verifying that all the doors are shut and locked, proceeds to read it aloud.

To His Majesty, King Christophe of Vyrunia, long may he reign and prosper,

I hope this message finds you and your family in good health and good spirits, and that your people continue to flourish under your rule. I also hope that you have not had any trouble with Khandazar since my last letter to you. I write to you regarding that country, and in particular what its leaders plan to do that would interfere with our established aims.

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