62: The Secrets

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"Your Highness. Your guests are here," Clothilde interrupts Mireille's Vyrunian history lesson, making Countess Orelanjara huff irritably.

"Clothilde, do you mind? We were just getting to the most intricate aspects of King Beauregard III's economic policies—" the tutor whines.

"Countess, forgive us, but time is of the essence regarding these particular guests, and today's allotted time for history lessons has almost expired," Mireille intercedes. "We will have more time to explore King Beauregard III's economic policies tomorrow, and we will be able to give them the time and attention they deserve, rather than rushing through them. Please excuse us now." She and Christelle rise and curtsey before following Clothilde out, while the Countess mutters unintelligibly. She is not the only one of Mireille's tutors who has recently been displeased; King Christophe has made a number of changes to the Princess's schedule for lessons. Her lessons with Father Tarrenora have been completely eliminated, much to Queen Généviève's chagrin and Mireille's delight. Vyrunian language and history was shifted to that time slot and is now followed by secret lessons in Khandazarian with Neera, which in turn are followed by meetings with the Royal Seamstresses in preparation for the Midsummer's Eve Ball. The afternoons are filled with combat instruction (which has temporarily replaced riding lessons but takes place in the stables, to avoid arousing the Queen's suspicion) and dancing lessons.

It is to the secret Khandazarian lessons that Mireille and Christelle are now hurrying, led by Clothilde. They have made a number of arrangements to ensure that the lessons occur in utmost secrecy, that no spies may learn of the Khandazarian woman who has access to the Vyrunian Princess. All of their lessons take place in the most private of Mireille's apartments, and Neera is brought in through secret passages. She is escorted her new home and the Palace of Roses by guards and always accompanied by one of her two youngest sisters; it is meant to appear as though they are being held as hostages in exchange for good behavior from their family, or else that they are being questioned.

Today, it is Veena who has come with Neera to Mireille's Khandazarian lesson. She, Neera, and Monique are waiting in the designated room when Mireille and Christelle arrive. Mireille smiles at the sight of the youngest member of Nagren's family, to whom she feels a strange sort of connection.

"Good morning, Princess," Neera greets in Khandazarian. Mireille surprises them both in that she understands her tutor and replies in kind. Christelle just shakes her head; languages are not her strong suit.

"Miraculous," Neera mutters. "Simply miraculous. I didn't honestly think it would be possible to move past the simplest of phrases with you, in two weeks' time, but your skills.... I've never seen or heard of anything like it."

Mireille blushes. "I wish I could explain.... Ever since I came here, and Vyrunian came to me like I had always known it, but could not access it until I was in this place—"

"How long has that been?"

"About a month and a half," Christelle replies.

"And before you came, you spoke no Vyrunian? What did you speak?"

"Mordalcean," Mireille answers.

"And you've both learned.... But Christelle, you struggle more with the Khandazarian, but your Vyrunian is quite good."

"My father speaks both languages fluently and taught me quite a bit. It was not as challenging as it could have been, coming here," Christelle responds.

"I simply do not understand how—"

"A gift wrapped in a curse," Veena interrupts, eyes wide and fixated on Mireille. She takes the Princess's hand, pulls back her sleeve, and gently traces on her forearm where her scars used to be. Mireille allows it to happen, completely dumbstruck; the others are similarly bamboozled. "The curse has been expunged, but the gift remains."

"Agnes's magic," Mireille breathes, half statement, half question. "You're saying that—"

"All forces must balance in the celestial scales. For every bad thing, there must be a good thing."

"Veena," Neera says, her voice a warning.

"I'm sorry, Neera. It just...comes."

"Sit with me," Monique invites Veena. "The Princess must have her lesson. Even a gift needs help sometimes." Veena gratefully goes to Monique, with whom she bonded on the journey from Khandazar to Vyrunia.

"You will not tell anyone about this," Neera addresses Mireille and Christelle, her eyes flashing fire.

"Of course not. We know exactly what you fear, and your secret is safe," Mireille replies, calm in a way that Christelle alone means the Princess is secretly in turmoil. "The Queen does not even know you are here. We will speak of this to no one."

Neera relaxes, but only slightly. "It doesn't...bother you?"

"I was raised by a witch."

"And not a particularly kind one," Christelle adds darkly.

"Veena is not...as Agnes was."

"She sees," Veena tells Neera, her simple words containing multitudes. Neera stares at her younger sister in silence for a few moments before nodding.

"Someday, Princess, I would like to hear your story," Neera tells Mireille.

"I can tell her, if you are willing," Monique volunteers. She knows almost as much as Christelle, from the talks the three of them have had. "But for now, we ought to focus on the Princess's lessons. You all know the stakes."

"Of course, of course. Monique is right. Perhaps, by the time we must leave for the Midsummer's Eve Ball, I will know enough to tell you myself in Khandazarian," Mireille agrees. Neera begins the lesson without further delay, although she privately wonders to herself if she is the only one in the room who does not have a talent for conveying multiple messages with few words.

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