46: The Threat

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"XAVIER!" Queen Bêtel shrieks, face like a thundercloud, as she storms through the hallways of Cloiche Fuar, a piece of parchment clutched in one hand, bound for the Hall of Private Audience in which Prince Xavier normally holds his meetings with the Queen's Royal Advisers.

The Prince, having heard his mother's enraged shouts, has emerged from the Hall of Private Audience and nearly collides with the Queen as she rounds a corner, still screeching his name at the top of her lungs.

"There you are!" she pants, having overexerted herself with her fury and her efforts to find him.

"Forgive my tardiness in coming to you. Your Royal Advisers and I have been discussing—" Xavier begins, having no idea what might have prompted his mother's outrage.

"Never mind those old fools! A different old fool is our top priority at present. Read this!" she orders, thrusting the parchment she has been carrying at her son's face. He takes it, after narrowly avoiding having an eye poked out by one of Queen Bêtel's long, dangerously sharp fingernails, and begins to read.

To Her Royal Majesty, Queen Bêtel of Mordalce,

I am embarrassed and outraged to have received your tidings regarding the unconscionable actions of the Bundthall Assassins who recently violated your security. These men acted without my knowledge and without my consent, and I am mightily displeased by what they have done. As punishment for their violation of heretofore peaceable relations between our countries, I hereby wash my hands of any responsibility concerning them; they are yours to do with as you see fit.

I hope that, having received this message, your righteous anger will be mollified and we might be able to further discuss this matter of your Midsummer's Eve Ball and an alliance with Vyrunia. I am aware that such an alliance is highly desirable for both of our countries, but unfortunately the Vyrunian Princess may take only one husband. It is my wish that negotiations for her hand be fair and open, without tricks or dealings behind closed doors. You are of course free to choose your own course in this matter, as you are in all others, but be aware that particular choices may adversely affect the delicate balance between our countries and Vyrunia, and perhaps the stability of the continent as a whole.

Awaiting your decision,

His Eminence, The Grand Chancellor of Khandazar

"Well then. The first paragraph, at least, is encouraging," Xavier remarks with optimism he does not feel. The Grand Chancellor of Khandazar has been rather more bold than the Prince of Mordalce might have been in negotiations with Queen Bêtel; indeed, veiled threats such as the one in his last sentence before the closing are, to his mind, highly unadvisable for anyone seeking to get their own way from her.

"But the rest of it, you blithering idiot, THE REST OF IT! He presumes to threaten ME, of all people, after these so-called assassins dared to attempt to strong-arm an invitation from me! This is not to be borne!"

"Aye, it is quite upsetting, especially with his remarks about 'fair and open negotiations" without 'tricks' or 'dealings behind closed doors.'" The Prince is thinking of the intelligence the Duke of Pelanshire shared with him the night before, recently received from Jerôme's banished brother. I still need to write to Vyrunia about that, he remembers. That will simply have to wait until I have resolved this crisis. There have been a good many crises in recent days, all pertaining to preparations for the Midsummer's Eve Ball, and between handling those and worrying about Mireille's well-being on her royal progress through Vyrunia, Xavier has been unable to be as productive as he usually is in all of his myriad duties.

"After such an underhanded, inappropriate, sneaky, and ill-conceived means of receiving a favor from me, he DARES to make such a thinly veiled threat, in a message utterly lacking in the courtesies due to a Queen?!" the Mordalcean monarch continues as though Xavier had not spoken, her fury palpable. Some of the Royal Advisers have emerged from the Hall of Private Audience, trying to ascertain the cause of the Queen's current fit of rage.

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