75: The Epilogue

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King Christophe and Queen Généviève were overjoyed by Mireille and Xavier's decision, although they were sad to part with their daughter so soon after reuniting with her. Thanks to the miraculous dedication and hard work of the staff at Cloiche Fuar, aided by the permanent absence of Queen Bêtel, a suitable double wedding for Mireille and Xavier and Christelle and Jerôme occurred just ten days after the Midsummer's Eve Ball, precipitously followed by Xavier and Mireille's coronation. The entire village of Adrennes attended, as well as Neera's family and all the staff and nobles from the Palace of Roses. Monique and Neera served as the Maids of Honor for the wedding, and discovered that maybe the affection between them was more than sisterly.

Meanwhile, the Dowager Empress of Khandazar came out of hiding and took over the government of Khandazar as soon as word reached Yama Gadyuk of the Grand Chancellor's demise. She had Léandre bring back her one surviving descendant, a great-granddaughter named Estelle, from where he had hidden her in Claiamean. Shortly after, Estelle married Prince Gabriel of Claiamean, who had been her long-time sweetheart, and the two of them became the new rulers of Khandazar, which rejoiced and prospered under the first good leadership it had had in decades.

Thus peace and prosperity were restored to the continent. Mordalce, Vyrunia, Khandazar, Claiamean, and Syazonia all coexisted harmoniously with one another, and their respective leaders, though not perfect, lived well and strove to make their world a better place.

And may it be so forevermore, in all lands and amongst all peoples.

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