71: The Inevitable

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"Your Highness, please. I cannot possibly go back down there, after that," Neera protests. "Everyone will want to speak with the Khandazarian wench who killed the Grand Chancellor of Khandazar in a duel, and I.... Well, you are not the sort, either, to relish the center of attention. Surely you understand."

"I do. I thought only to honor you, for the great service you have done, not only for me but for everyone here tonight," Mireille explains. "If the best way to do that is to let you stay here, then by all means, you may remain here."

"Do you really think that they will resume the Midsummer's Eve Ball, after all that?" Christelle inquires skeptically.

"I would not put it past our hosting queen, certainly."

"All the monarchs present are hoping to secure some sort of alliance at this event," Monique adds. "The elimination of the greatest threat to the stability of the continent would seem more likely to embolden them than to induce them to let this opportunity go by."

"Fair points, both. I will get Clothilde, then, and she will go with us when our summons comes," Christelle decides, leaving the room precipitously thereafter.

"And I will retire for the evening," Neera adds.

"As you wish. Are you sure you are all right?" Mireille asks.

"Killing a man no longer disturbs me, if that is what you mean. In particular, I have no regrets about executing that particularly repugnant individual. But I am concerned.... No matter how you look at it, I have assassinated a head of state tonight. I would not take it back, but I could certainly understand why my life might be demanded as retribution."

"I do not believe my father will let that happen, and in any event, I will do all I can to assure your safety."

"Even if it meant causing a war? Princess, do not jeopardize your whole country on my account."

"I do not believe it will come to that. Do try to set your fears at ease. Get some rest."

Neera smiles and leaves the princess's antechamber, at which point Mireille finally settles into a chair. She has not remained in one spot for more than a few moments at a time since they came back to her chambers from the Midsummer's Eve Ball. She and all her ladies had to change into other gowns; none of them escaped the messiness of the Grand Chancellor's demise. Besides that, her nerves have been stretched taut since the Khandazarians first interrupted the Midsummer's Eve Ball. Though she has done her best to keep up a calm front, her mind has been racing and she has been constantly moving from place to place, activity to activity, since she finished changing into the emerald green gown from the night before.

"Princess? Is there anything I can do for you?" Monique inquires.

"No, thank you, Monique. I am fine."

"You acquitted yourself admirably today."

"Thank you. And thank you for your service, in keeping the Grand Chancellor's companions otherwise engaged."

"It is always my pleasure to be of service to you."

"All the same, I wish it had not come to this. I wish he had not come at all, and that no one I care about had been placed in danger."

"Be at peace. No one was harmed, except those who would have done harm to you and those you care about. If he had to come, his coming was resolved in the best possible way."

Mireille smiles, but a knock sounds at her antechamber door before she can gather her thoughts enough to reply. Monique swiftly moves to answer it so that her Princess will not have a chance to get up again. To her surprise, none other than Prince Xavier is at the door.

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