54: The Ambassador

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Monique walks swiftly through the corridors of the Palace of Roses, flanked by Edouard and Marcel, who volunteered to accompany her to the room where the Khandazarian ambassador is being held. Despite having only returned from the Royal Progress a few hours ago, they are eager for sights other than Mireille's suite, which in spite of the Princess's best efforts is still decorated entirely in pink—even the rooms that have been allocated for her personal guards. The pair has not, however, picked up on Monique's nervousness. She is not sure whether the soldiers guarding the Khandazarian ambassador will even let her in, let alone what she might say to him. Your friend and Princess chose you for this task because she trusts you and thinks you capable, Monique reminds herself, but the thought does little to slow the frantic beating of her heart.

The trio rounds the last corner of their journey and enters a short hallway, a dead-end with a single door, in front of which two soldiers stand. At first their eyes were glazed with boredom, but as Monique, Marcel, and Edouard approach, the guards stand up straighter and take interest.

"What business do you have here?" one of the guards demands. Monique and her escorts pause in their approach.

"I pray you will forgive this intrusion," Monique replies softly with a slight bow. "I have come on behalf of the Princess, to seek information from your prisoner regarding those who would do her and her family harm."

"The Queen would never approve such a thing," the other guard refuses.

"The Queen did not approve other things that the King has proceeded with to keep their daughter safe, from what I hear," the first guard rebuts. His father is the Minister of Finance, and he knows full well of what he speaks.

"If ought goes amiss, lay the blame at my feet," Monique urges. "I am the lady who prevented this prisoner's companion from injuring our dear Queen. I am certain she will be more lenient with me than she would be with another. And what could go wrong, with the two of you and my own two guards standing by to protect me?" She does not, of course, believe that she is in any need of protection, but she knows this argument will play well with her audience.

"All right, if you insist," the more stubborn one relents. The guards unlock the door to the prisoner's room, and Monique steps inside, while Marcel and Edouard remain outside and converse with the guards, as was Monique's and Mireille's plan.

The room itself is plain but fairly spacious, intended as accommodations for the higher-ranking attendants of distinguished guests. The Khandazarian ambassador, a comely man who appears to be in his twenties, was sitting at a small writing desk, working on something, when Monique made her entrance, but stands and bows to the lady as soon as the door closes behind her.

"It is an honor to receive you, Your Ladyship," he greets her in Vyrunian, "although I am much perplexed as to why this honor has been bestowed upon me."

"You need not be so obsequious," Monique replies, moving a few steps closer to him. "Call me Monique. And what shall I call you?"

"The conduct of my companion, who I expect has been long since executed, has rendered me undeserving of a name, and unworthy to use yours."

"I do not hold you reprehensible for the conduct of your former colleague. You are correct in assuming that he has paid the ultimate price for his actions towards our Queen, but that has no bearing on whether you deserve a name. You at least tried to be honorable, that day in the hallway. Tell me your name."

"You were there." He studies her for a few moments—the first time he has looked her in the face since she entered the room. "You were the one with the daggers, the one who stopped him."

"I was."

"Have they sent you here to kill me?"

"No. I come on behalf of the Princess, but I shall not tell you why until you tell me your name."

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