Mystery Savior

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a few minutes later and Maizono wakes up from her coma. she sees her own blood around her and sees her wound closed up. she is freaked out and she walks out the bathroom until she comes across a note on the messed up bed. 


your a very lucky little girl. not many people would survive a stab in the gut like that. i just happened to be strolling by when i heard you were attacked by that idiot. your wound needs time to heal so dont do anything rash that will cause the stitch to open. if your wondering who i am, im not saying anything yet......tho i will confront you and the brat Naegi. for now, rest yourself up and dont even think about trying another stunt like that. i know you and Naegi have some weird history and chemistry and i'll do my best to make you students are safe and sound.......remember this.....................................DONT GIVE INTO DESPAIR.......

From S.B

Maizono looks around her and doesn't see anyone. she folds the note and places it somewhere hidden and goes to meet up with the others. she sees Naegi heading her way and she runs to him hugging him tightly like shes hanging onto her life.

Naegi: "whoa Maizono whats wrong? i came up here to check up on you."

Maizono: "its just that.........when i woke up......the room was a mess....."

Naegi: "wait are you serious?" Maizono nods and brings him to see the room is still mess. 

Maizono: "not only that......when i woke up i was in a pool of blood.....i couldve sworn i died, but my wound is closed..." she says a bit scared. Naegi is shocked to hear that she was attacked and somehow survived. Maizono then shows him the note that she found and it shocks him that theres someone among them that is willing to bend the rules secretly. Naegi also inspects the wording Maizono wrote in blood before her death. Naegi tells her that he and the others will investigate who attack her and see what happens the culprit. while they were leaving the room.......Molten Freddy was eavesdropping....placing a smirk on his face......

Naegi: "guys i found her!"

Asahina: "oh my god are you ok Maizono?!"

Maizono: "yea.......i barely survived my encounter..."

Kirigiri: "shouldnt your wound be healing?"

Maizono: "my wound is already healed for some reason. i dont know how but i feel like theres someone in the building who secretly helped me...." she says nervously. the others mutter about the possibility.

Naegi: "thats not all. and i think i know who was the one who attacked Maizono."

Togami: "who is it then."

Naegi: "its Leon!" he shouts pointing at Leon and everyone gasping.

Leon: "wait what are you talking about?!"

Monokuma: "ohhhhh do i smell a murder?" he says appearing on the stage, startling everyone.

Monokuma: "oh my looks like someone escaped death, very surprising indeed."

Naegi: "why are you here!?"

Monokuma: "well i heard someone was nearly killed and still survived. and you pin the blame on that boy, but lets hear what the victim has to say in a trial!"

Naegi: "you cant be serious about this." he says a bit shocked. Monokuma explains what the trial is. a classic back and forth debate and whoever is found guilty is punished while the others are free, but if they choose wrong everyone else is punished while the killer is unpunished.

Danganronpa: Final Night's Despair(currently in editing)Where stories live. Discover now