# : 𝟎𝟎𝟑

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( # 𝐚𝐜𝐭 : 𝟎𝟎𝟑 ) 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐞

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( # 𝐚𝐜𝐭 : 𝟎𝟎𝟑 )

" Class is such a pain," Rindo sighed as he drank the Green-Tea. (Name) laughed as she drank with him. The two of them were at a café since it was a Saturday and the class was postponed.

"Yeah, the teachers are annoying as hell, I think they're targeting us," She said as she leaned back in her seat. It had been her first week of college and her mind was already stressed.

Not only over college though, mainly because of the harassment she had faced. But she hid it with a whole bunch of smiles and laughs.

It seemed as if Rindo and (name) had been getting along swell. Their relationship grew as friends maybe a little more but nothing serious.

Even though the two had gotten along, somebody wasn't happy about it. They watched as (name) was living her life to the fullest, ignoring their threats and messages.

They felt aggravated that they weren't taken seriously, they stood from afar.. watching only observing from different angles of (name)'s life. Angry swelled up as they slammed their hands against the table.

The tea that was on the table had fallen off causing the glass to shatter due to the vibrant force of the slam. It wasn't a pleasant sight, seeing the one they'd love hanging out with a simple roadblock in their plan.

As the two from afar laughed and talked, the stalker couldn't help but want him gone. They couldn't stand the sight of him.

' Rindo Haitani is getting in my way..'

After her mini-date, she had gone back to her dorm. She unlocked the door with her student ID as she entered inside of her dorm, closing the door.

It felt like a routine to her, except something was usually there to greet here, more like ' Someone.' Her roommate usually greeted her, but it didn't make much difference. They had their own lives so she hadn't thought much of it.

(Name) dropped her bag on the floor as she walked inside of the mini-kitchen. Her hands were familiar within the kitchen, she bent down to grab a pan at her disposal.

Placing the pan on the stovetop, she turned it on and added butter to the pan. As the butter began to melt within the pan her arm reached to grab a spatula. She walked over to the fridge grabbing some rice and shrimp.

It'd be a meal for her roommate once he'd come back, she turned the dial on a low number so it wouldn't completely burn the empty pan. She went over to the sink to go ahead and clean the rice.

Grabbing the strainer and a bowl, she placed the strainer over the bowl. Pouring the rice into the strainer, she added water to it as she washed the rice.

The sink was faced on the same side as the oven, so her back would be facing the door basically. As (name) purified the rice her ears picked up on a robotic voice saying.


As the door to the room, she stayed in had pried its way open. She couldn't clearly turn her back at the moment, her attention was focused on other things.

" Seishu I was about to call you in a bit," she said as she heard the footsteps follow behind her. (Name) hadn't heard a reply from 'Seishu' as he moved closer to the woman.

(Name) turned the sink water off as the drainer caught most of the water, footsteps behind her came closer, as she tried turning her head. An arm wrapped around her neck pressing into opposite side of the elbow onto her neck, as a cloth with alcohol on it suffocated her nose.

She couldn't breathe as her oxygen shortly got cut off with the arm to the neck and the cloth covering her nose. It became a blur as she fell into the stranger's arms.

The intoxicating smells built up in her nose, as the stranger kissed the woman's cheek reassuring her that'd she'd be safe in his grasp. "It's okay, you'll be okay.. You're with me don't worry (name)." The woman fainted in their arms as they picked her up bridal style.

It was dark so it wasn't particularly easy for people to spot the two, especially this late on campus. Not that people would really care.

He exited the room carrying the woman within his arms as he held onto the Student ID that was wrapped around his neck. Whistling as he walked the lonesome empty halls he walked down the staircase and went through the backdoor of the campus.

The car was parked outside in the back as he unlocked the car. Opening the side door he placed (name) inside of the car is a horrible and uncomfortable position.

He strapped her down and closed the door walking over to the other side of his car, "I told you, id make you mine."

The air.. the air.. was covered in the damp smell of bleach, and tea. It was the smell of mint tea, but she hadn't remembered why.

(Name) tried moving but something cold wrapped around her legs. She could feel the bare shackles weigh down on her leg.

She tried to crawl, only alerting the kidnapper that she had been awake. Listening closely she could hear the floorboards creaking below her.

The stairs began to creak as somebody had been walking up the stairs, they opened the door as they held dog bowls in their hands.

" Ran.." her eyes trembled as they met with Ran's she reached for him even though she was kept in a corner of the room.

"Uh-uh, we don't do that," they waved their index finger in a swift motion. " What the hell do you mean ' we don't do that..'" she repeated.

Her leg was locked down as she kept reaching for him, " C'mon behave, you aren't usually so aggressive.." his words were more of a calm tone in a horrible attempt to reassure her.

" Where am i.." she inquired as she looked around the room. " You're home, with me.." he walked closer to the woman on the ground as he laid down the dog bowls in front of her.

She reached to grab his hair but failed since he moved back. " No need to be aggressive dear, we're together so don't be aggravated.."

His smile was sly along his face, typical..

" Take me home.. I don't wanna be Here," she pestered as she kicked the food from in front of her. " aw... why'd you do that.." he groaned.

" that was your breakfast.. guess you'll have to go hungry.." he sighed as he picked himself up. " (name) C'mon make yourself at home," he smiled.

" I can't make myself at home if I'm not at home, take.me.home." Her voice pleaded as she begged for mercy.

" I said, this is your home.." He grew impatient as he slapped her across the face. His hands were swift as ran slapped her across her face,

" Now behave.."

𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐲 sinnerhall

𝐌𝐘 𝐄𝐗 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐫𝐚𝐧 ✓Where stories live. Discover now