# : 𝟎𝟑𝟑

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( # : 𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝟎𝟑𝟑 ) 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲

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( # : 𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝟎𝟑𝟑 )

ran haitani was a serial killer with a body count over 20. news anchors released the news of all the victims they'd found, although not many bodies were found there was a loge journal that had written all of ran's killings and how he'd murdererd them.

his name grew like rapid fire on the internet. the case of ran haitani, a serial killer, a cannibal, a rapist, and much more. most people were disgusted with his actions and repulsed by the fact someone could even be born into this world.

clearly in disbelief of the whole thing. while others praised him and found his methods praise worthy and interesting.

scientist and researchers wanted to know what was going on inside his head. they wanted to know, what could drive someone to commit a list of crimes so disgusting.

could any motive really drive someone mad?

money, fame, mental illness.. no, it was something no one could ever think of. it was love.

naoto arrived at the hospital after ruthlessly being held in traffick, he'd been so impatient to see ran. the feeling of despair drowned him, he knew something was wrong and wanted to confirm his theory.

" excuse me ma'am i need to see Ran haitani immediately," his voice was out of breathe as he panted. sweat forms pressed against his head as he flashed his badge.

the attendant allowed him access to ran's room which was on the eighth floor. the elevators all filled with crowds of grieving people, meaning the only way of travel was the stairs.

sato stood with a confused look—watching as her husband frantically ran up the stairs. quickly following him after realizing he'd been going up.

the two ran up the flights of stairs, one clearly more exhausted than the other. but naoto was determined to see ran, because he knew if he didn't it'd be too late.

it took 10 minutes for naoto alone to get up the stairs, while he'd rush to room 888. naoto knocked plenty of carts down, apologizing but the throbbing pain in his side ached the more he kept making mistakes and crashing into things.

once he finally reached the room, he burst through the door. only to see an empty made up bed with a note, the note read.

' maybe next time mr naoto. '

naoto kicked the bed in a rage, doubling over as he screamed into his knees, gripping hands full of his hair. sato joined the room seeing her husband on the floor, she squatted to place a hand on his back.

other hand dug into her pocket to call for backup. the serial killer they'd worked so hard to catch, it Aw now free, and nobody knew his whereabouts

the hospital filled with police officers shortly in the span of an hour. employees and the security were questioned how they couldn't have knew about the criminal who had been in the hospital walls.

" security cameras couldn't find anythin," a rookie cop had said as they'd taken notes about all they learned. it hadn't taken long for ( y/n ) to be questioned, the second she woke up her eyes laid upon police officers.

" are you ( y/n ) ( l/n)," she nodded. they'd continue to question her on basic things like if she knew where she was but the moment they mention ran she felt a lump in her throat

the mentioning of him was heard to hear but speaking of him-was harder. " I can't..—" her hands gripped the blanket, as she stared into her lap.

the police raised a brow to her words, " what do you mean you can't?!" their tone raised as tears began to swell in her eyes as her nose grew puffy.

" I DONT WANT TO TALK ABOUT HIM," her voice was loud, as she demanded them to leave the room.

they all left disappointed that they couldn't gain any new information. every month ( y/n ) would get questioned by the police, in each month they'd notice something. her stomach had gotten bigger even though she never left the hospital.

it seemed as if she'd been pregnant and they all came to question what really happened during her disappearance. when she gave birth she felt so weak, and so disgusted with herself.

she felt to blame for having a rape-baby, and felt disgusted that she'd hated the child even though it didn't do anything to her. the child remained unnamed until her parents gave him a name, ' kei.'

it took her a year to fully heal, and by that time her son was already a year old and walking. once discharged she wanted to move somewhere new, somewhere were nobody would know her.

the thought of being in that city disgusted her, she hated it due to the connections of various bad events.

her parents supported her choice to move; they'd even bought her an apartment so she wouldn't be homeless after the move. and with that, she moved, a completely fresh and new start, with no one to hold her back.

when she moved both her and kei started off good; the first month she landed a job as a secretary for a big company. the life was great, and she'd felt happy in a long time.

truly happy.

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞
this story is finally coming to an end, only two chapters left. sorry I haven't updated in a while, it's literally been almost a year since I updated because 31 is a year old chapter 🗣️ but uh thanks for supporting me and I love y'all :)

𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐲 sinnerhall

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