# : 𝟎𝟑𝟐

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( # : 𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝟎𝟑𝟐 ) 𝐫𝐚𝐧

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( # : 𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝟎𝟑𝟐 )

After the news broke out about the kidnapped victims, news anchors began to spread rumors like wildfire. Even though those who hadn't known the victims personally, they still had shown sympathy. Two weeks had passed since they had been all found, luckily in that period ( y/n ) had woken up only briefly.

The doctors barely got to see her awake, and it was during the time they had been checking up on the baby.  She was confused the moment she woke up, frantically in a state of panic but, the moment she grasped that she was in a hospital she tried to get up. Doctors were confused but helped her go back to bed.

Izana sat inside of his room, his eye-patched and wrapped as the tray of food displayed on his lap. Some blood dripped onto his hands as he looked down at the dull display. Turning his head towards the window seeing how the bright light between the curtains had let in very little light into the darkroom. Turning back to the room, he looked at the TV and turned it on, the local news channel had been still discussing the kidnapping.

It didn't peak his attention since he hadn't known the victims personally until it flipped to the woman. " oh.. " He uttered before turning the TV off.  Lowering his head down he stared at his lap, throwing the tray on the floor making a clanky sound of the metal.  The panel of him sitting in the bed similarly reminded him of when he got shot next to kakucho, his friend.. who had now been slaughtered recently.

It's not like he could cry, what would he cry about.. death is natural. Crying wouldn't bring him back now. Gripping onto his hand he squeezed it tightly which made some blood leak onto the white bandage wraps. Some of the blood got onto the sheets and the hospital gown they provided him.

" Ran.."

He paused before closing his eyes, and the panel zoomed out from his room. Naoto and Sato both were at the office and rewarded for completing the long kidnapped victim case. Nothing too big, just that the office went out for some beers and partied a bit. The room was loud since they rented out a karaoke room for just the office so nobody would bother the group.

The room filled with drunken adults who all were going to be having the worse hangover of their lives only sang cheerfully. Naoto, on the other hand, couldn't help himself but feel a little bothered by the situation, the case was closed but, there was this nerve-biting feeling that wouldn't leave his thoughts.

Everything was normal, right? Well, that wasn't the case. Of course, it was only feelings-based since there was no real evidence behind it. Leaning back in his seat Naoto's fixed his posture, placing the beer onto the glass table which had been decorated with everybody else's drinks.

" I'm going to the bathroom," he announced to the tipsy members of the group. Standing up he made his way out of the room and into the hallway which was empty and just filled with small decorations.

Making his way down the hallway he found himself in the bathroom. Opening the door he realized that he was alone in the bathroom, not like this factor bothered him but it was a little strange.

He approached the sink and turned the knob that would release the cold or hot water. Naoto leaned his head down and he began to splash the water repeatedly onto his face. Some of his hair was drenched with the cold water.

When he looked back into the reflection of the mirror he briefly saw a figure that stood behind him dressed in dark clothing and a fox's mask. Quickly turning back he saw nothing. Was it all a part of his imagination?

That's what he assumed, maybe he was drunk. So many endless questions with endless answers.

Suddenly he heard a vibration, it was from his phone. Flipping it over he saw a missed call notification and a text message from an unknown number. Unlocking his phone he saw the message from the unknown number.

' I see you.'

He grabbed his phone and began to leave the bathroom, quickly rushing out. He made his way toward the karaoke booth that they'd rented. Opening the door he walked towards Sato and grabbed her wrist. " We have to go," he ushered her into a drunken state but the movie that had been broadcasting in the background suddenly came to a halt, and the news channel interrupted the TV.

" Sorry for the interruption but, it's been brought to our attention that there's been a mass homicide. The killings have been shown and displayed at an abandoned warehouse, we've been notified that all the victims are the missing girls." The news anchor stopped before showing some pictures and video footage of the women who were missing hung, stripped, and broken like a toy.

Suddenly Naoto's phone began to ring once more, he picked it up quickly. Raising his phone to his ear he heard only the softest of breathing. ".... ran.. haitani..." the caller hung up the phone and naoto only threw his phone on the leader seats and gripped onto his hair.

" fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK."

Heads turned most of them were attracted by the sound of Naoto screaming frantically. Sato stood up approaching naoto placing a hand on his shoulder, " Is everything alright." she inquired looking into his eyes, only seeing the pure bewildered look in his eyes and panic.

" We gotta go, where ran haitani located at.."

Firmly gripping her wrist he pulled her out of the room, not even bothering to grab his phone. They both just rushed out of the building as quickly as possible, Naoto knew something was wrong, Ran haitani, something evil would always surround that name.

Frantically hurrying into his car they sat down, not even strapped in. He started up the car putting it in reverse as he backed away and then put it in drive. Stepping on the gas he put it in the address for the hospital ( y/n ) and Ran had been enrolled into. Falling upon upcoming traffic with the red light he could only see his wife glancing over at him. " What's wrong, you seem troubled."

" RAN FUCKING HAITANI, I just know.. I know it.."

Silence filled the hospital room, as a man entered the room. They approached the body slowly looking at the heart monitor, the green lines were barely moving up, then went back down quickly. Coming closer to the body they looked down on it.

The looming shadow that covered his eyes, the blonde and black locks that were played with as the hand caressed Ran's face. His face was covered since his skin had been torn off and skinned like a hairless child. " You're safe...."

" I'll keep.. you.. safe.. "

𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐲 sinnerhall

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