# : 𝟎𝟏𝟏

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( # : 𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝟎𝟏𝟏 )𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧

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( # : 𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝟎𝟏𝟏 )

" what.."

The tensioned air broke silently as they and stared at each other like clueless children. Ran's facial expression changed within a matter of seconds, visually expressing his anger towards the woman.

" (name), please don't forget your place in this world, and watch your mouth as a woman," he scolded her like she was a child with no remorse for his actions.

Ran wanted to seem formidable in her eyes, a dominant figure that'd control her life forever and continue following her until the day she died. His toxic stares made her flinch as the grip on her hand only tightened.

" I'm..– I'm just very tired," her voice seemed to be giving out as it frantically scratched itself whenever she spoke. It was still a bit early and she hadn't been awake more than a few hours, the excuse was pointless at that.

He released his hand and placed it on her face applying muscle into his hand to squeeze on her face tightly. He could feel her bones against his fingers as (name) could feel a border just surrounding her face as he squeezed.

Before he did what his mind sought to revenge, ran stopped and reflected on his actions. He couldn't ruin this chance, she was so.. innocent and so pure. It was all he wanted and a miracle along with it.

His palm released her face as she placed her hands back on her face; reflecting on his actions. He was about to break her jaw making her mouth stay closed.

That'd most likely kill her, so he wouldn't do that.

Ran eyed her down as she could see his intentions a bit clearer, he wanted to kill her.. but also wanted to keep her.

She scooted back as her eyes shook looking at him; the darkness, the death, the lust all swarmed his eyes.

" ah—, look what you've made me do.." ran looked back at his hands before bringing them to his face. He blamed her for his actions even if it was clear that he was in the wrong..

" I can't do this right now," she uttered as she rose up from the bed getting ready to take her to leave. Ran's eyes followed her as he yelled for her to come back.

" (name) come back," he got off of the bed as he followed her, ran kept shouting her name as it echoed within the house. " (name) STOP,"

The woman turned back shouting as ran was right behind her on her trial, she stood before the staircase, her back faced the stairs. Ran slapped her across the face the burn and the force sending her tumbling down the stairs.

Her body hit each and every stair as he could hear it; the sound of her bones being struck against the wooden stairs. His eyes following her until her body was at the bottom. Luckily she hadn't been bleeding, only unconscious momentarily.

Ran walked down the stairs his hands on the rail, every step closer to the woman's body. She laid there uncomfortable and venerable. He kneeled down and ran his hands over his face, and leaned in closer.

They were inches away from each other. His eyes following her motionless body as her heartbeat was slow, it was almost as if she was dead.

Her breathing was faint as she stayed still, his slender fingers attempting to run through her hair. She was so enchanting to watch, after all, he had watched for a while.. a long .. long.. while.

Their motionless moment was cut short by a phone ringing in his back pocket. The vibration stopped him, he removed his hands from (name)'s body and dug into his pocket to retrieve the phone he had hidden.

Grabbing it he was the caller ID ' Little brother,' he knew it wasn't the best time to be calling since he wanted to spend every moment with (name) a second wasted would be devastating to his life.

But that didn't stop him from picking up, he put the phone on speaker as his brother spoke to him. " Hello," he calmly said as he began his mission to drag the woman's body into the kitchen.

" Oh, hey are you okay," Rindou over the phone questioned. Ran uttered a 'tch' underneath the phone so low the phone couldn't pick up the sound.

" Yeah I'm fine, why ask." Ran stated as he began to pick up her body and place it in the chair, he got the duck tape out and his plan was to tape her down.

" well, you've been staying at home lately so I just assumed you were sick.." Rindou mumbled on the other line seemingly letting out a sigh.

" I've just been—" ran opened the tape making a sound as he began taping the woman to the chair. "—been sad that (name) is missing yknow.." his voice seemed so innocent but was so deceiving.

" Yeah, didn't you guys used to date in high school," the blonde said over the line. Ran looked at (name) in the chair before gently implanting a kiss on the side of her face.

" Yeah, she was the best.."

The tone in his voice dramatically changed as his voice sorta cracked when saying it. Rindou could probably tell that it was sincere with his words.

" Alright, I just wanted to check on you, we're still going on with our usual plans, correct," Rindou stated.

Ran stopped and paused like time had slowed down, ' usual plans..' what did he mean by that. He looked around the kitchen trying to see if they had anything planned.

Was it his birthday? No.

Ran shook his head looking around as the phone was on the counter. There was a brief silence until Ran spoke, " Uhm– , yeah.." he had completely forgotten.

This was probably the first time he had actually panicked, his plans would be ruined. What if his brother found out about his ' little secret ' how would he react. He knew how his brother often reacted to high-pressure situations.

With violence.

If he had even gotten a small glimpse of the woman tied up, he'd completely panic and probably get ready to fight.

Well.. a thought crossed ran's mind..

His eyes glanced back at (name) still unconscious and taped down her venerable body. And ran was so free.. in order to keep his secret. . He might have to kill his own brother.

𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐲 sinnerhall

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