# : 𝟎𝟐𝟗

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( # : 𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝟎𝟐𝟗 )𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞

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( # : 𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝟎𝟐𝟗 )

Whilst ran was in pursuit of driving home, there was a report to the police. Ambulances arrived shortly after Ran fled the scene, police officers questioned bystanders who were at the party.

" Can you explain what happened," one asked as the woman looked elsewhere. Tears threatened as she stuttered to speak.

" Well, I was with my friend and we were leaving the party since it was getting late, and while we were walking out and something fell on the ground behind us."

She briefly paused as the words were choking her to come out.

" WAIT ONE IS ALIVE," a voice shouted as heads turned and lights flashed. The air grew thick as everyone was partially silent.

One of them was alive, just barely. They hadn't been responding to any psychical sighs but they were very sure that they were alive in a coma.

As Izana was rolled into the ambulance the police officers decided to cover up Kakucho's body. His face was smashed in so it wasn't recognizable, nor was his body.

Luckily his teeth were still intact giving them solid DNA for them, plus lots of evidence was left at the crime scene for them to experiment on and investigate.

Naoto sat at his desk throwing his head back as beads of sweat poured down the side of his face. His shirt was unbuttoned exposing his chest as his tie was thrown down on the floor where his feet were.

His hands clamped around the folders as his eyes skimmed the evidence displayed in the folder. Dental records on the bodies buried within the house, it was the parents of the Haitani Brothers.

Both of them dead, and their bodies were rotting. They could definitely tell they were dead for a while since their bodies were already decomposing. Burning them was just a cover-up for everything else.

" Fuck.." he groaned with a gravelly tone, unlucky that he couldn't get any fingerprints on the corpses. Naoto's mind was filled with endless possibilities of how this case could turn out.

One of his theories were that it was just somebody killing high-school students and ( name ) had already been dead their body just wasn't found yet. But it didn't make sense due to not everyone dying or at least been labeled as missing.

Another theory was specifically pinning the blame on Ran, he hadn't been seen within the last month and he was known to date or at least rumored to be deeply involved in a relationship with her.

His brother was killed, along with his parents and he's been off the grid. A knock tapped the door completely interrupting his thoughts, " Open." He ordered as the door pried itself open a head peaked out through the cracks as they entered the room.

Sato entered holding a new folder it hadn't been labeled but it was important. " We've got some incriminating evidence."

The tension in the room quickly shifted as she walked towards his desk, careful not to step over the papers that were on the floor. Placing the folder in front of him he set the other folder down on the side.

" Here," she leaned a bit forward as he grabbed it. Opening the record it showed a man with tanned skin and white hair.

Then there was a picture of a dead body, their chest cavity exposed as organs poured out. His bones were exposed as blood dripped onto his shirt staining the shirt.

Flipping to another photo it showed some blood on the carpets and some blood stuck into the glass. There were also fingerprints stuck on the door and the bottles that were shattered.

Naoto lifted his head, " What does it mean," he inquired as Sato reached to grab it back.

" Well, some people believed they've seen sightings of ( name ) once some of our police force decided to send some missing photos of them." She said as she grabbed the folder and paused.

Naoto looked back up knitting a brow, he was getting ready to open his mouth before she brought a finger to his lips. " Hold up I'm not done," she announced as she began to finish.

" Before you say we should send some people out there, the chief already has and there are investigators collecting evidence for the case right now." Now finished Naoto was able to speak and he relaxed his muscles.

" Thank god.."

A smile formed as the two made eye contact but it faded not shortly after. " They'll send the evidence to the lab or they'll just test it and get records to see if it matches. "

" Guess I really didn't have to do anything then," Naoto joked as he let out a snicker to follow up. Cupping his hands the both of them snickered.

" I suppose not,"

With that, the conversation ended resulting in the two of them splitting to go their separate ways. Naoto pulled up a photo of Ran and looked back into his eyes, sensing how he looked like he was completely and mentally unstable.

Curious about him he looked for some cases about ran. A simple name search within the system could pull up anything documented.

Typing his name in he entered it as it revealed a record of documents. Mainly some medical records and some asylum records.

' Haitani's Oldest enrolled into the HIJOSHIKI Asluym.' There was an article about it and Naoto slightly intrigued he had nothing better but to research about it.

' Ran Haitani of the Haitani family was enrolled into the Hijoshiki asylum for the mentally insane.

After various incidents of Ran committing Arson, assault, sexual assault, and various cases of animal abuse, mental abuse, and psychical abuse.

His childhood was questioned to one of his motives since it's labeled that his father was very abusive towards his mother even alleged he was raping her.

Ran was noted to have an incredibly toxic and unhealthy obsession with things that surrounded death and blood. He'd even go as far as to kill his house pets or others pets.

Its also been noted he's very possessive

Once released from the asylum his parents disappeared randomly out of nowhere, they weren't found for a while and people have even rumored that they were dead. '

Nibbling onto his bottom lip his thumb pried in between his two lips.

" He's very possessive..."

𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐲 sinnerhall

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