# : 𝟎𝟏𝟎

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( # : 𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝟎𝟏𝟎 )𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞

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( # : 𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝟎𝟏𝟎 )

It's been a month.. three students all have gone missing during that time period. What happened, why did it all happen, and who did it.

The world was completely blank, not knowing anything about the three kidnapping cases, three families worried about their children and still haven't received an answer and when they'd be back.

That caused panic within the Japanese investigation police department. Little did the world know, two of them were dead and one remained alive.

At least for the time being.

(Name) finished preparing the meal still in the dark on her own life. The pieces didn't fit into the puzzle it's like adding more pieces from pieces of a new puzzle.

She looked at the meal and wanted to add some more decorations to make it look more decent. Walking back over to the fridge it was filled with useful things but there was something red in a ziplock bag.

It wasn't labeled but the bag was slightly leaking the red fluid. She hadn't had much time to be curious so she grabbed the things she really needed, her hands reached for the carrots and once she had it she closed the fridge.

She went back over to the cutting board and grabbed a knife, holding the handle firmly. A quick flash took over her reminding her of the time when she attacked Ran in the kitchen when she had the chance.

It gave (name) a headache trying to remember but Items, Names, and Phrases would bring her fuzzy memory back. The knife was still high in the air and the memory clogged her vision blurry her eyes.

The wet tears began to fall out of her eyes getting onto the cutting board; She hadn't had a true reason to cry, but that other half of her who had remembered all that happened did cry.

Positioning the knife into a reverse gripped position she placed her other hand on the handle of the knife. As the tears streamed down her face she rose the knife up high and then brung it down aiming for her stomach.

The silence was in the midst of the house, literally dead silence. (Name)'s body began to shake trembling with fear. While still having no regrets.

She didn't feel that cold sharp blade piercing her stomach, the blade had been stopped before even reaching her. Another set of hands wrapped firmly around the handle of the blade, a warm tall body standing tall over the woman.

He was right behind her leaving no space in between the two, his arms snaked around her body as his head was on the bridge of her shoulder. " Don't do that, It'll lead to your demise and we don't want that."

His breath tickling her ear as she dropped the knife it fell on the cutting board then bounced off of it dropping itself on the ground missing their feet. Her body was stiff and stayed still, worried of what might have happened if she even moved a single muscle.

The thumping of her heart frantically raced as his hands were all over her body. Why'd she want to suffer so badly, that's the only thing she thought.

She was paralyzed in confusion as Ran placed a kiss on her left cheek and nibbled down on it. He dragged his lips to her ear bitting down on the base of her eardrum stinging her even as she froze in paralyzation.

" Behave for me, it'll be fine. "

His words seemed so sweet when his intentions weren't even close to that.. and deep down inside she knew that. But she hadn't said anything because she didn't remember all the things he'd done to her.

He began to rock her body side to side as he controlled her body pulling her away from the counter. She only followed in the trance before holding back all she could have done. She should have killed him.. but ' I was too weak..'

Ran grabbed her and made her follow him back upstairs not even an hour from being awake. They two walked up the creaking wooden stairs, with the woman behind him.

He pushed the door open revealing the same old dull boarded-up room with small sunlight breaking through. His bed was probably the only thing that looked different, and maybe his room was cleaned just a bit.

Ran tugged her arm forcefully leading her as he fell on top of the bed, she sat down in front of him. The two exchanged eye glances, as his intent to take advance of her was clear.

His hands overlapping over hers as he rose it up, she hadn't reacted to it. His lips placed themselves on her hand as he kisses her repeatedly.

Removing his lips from her hand he placed a shiny glistening ring on her ring finger. He leaned in closer to her and began kissing her obviously with only a one-sided reaction.

She was just a simple doll for his amusement, she sits and watches as he takes advantage of her. But.. even though she didn't want to, (name) kissed him back awkwardly as it was forced.

The salty wet tears rolling down her face, it wasn't from joy. No. It was from pain..

Deep down (name) got horrible flashbacks of childhood and high-school memories. Specifically, the one where she was pulled into a closet by a man who had sexual intercourse with her without her consent.

At that time she really hadn't known what 'sex' was but, after a few years she went to therapy and her family got lots of info on what'd she'd been hiding. It's not like she wanted to hide it, it's hard coming out saying that such foul things happened to yourself..

Ran's hands traveled up her body generally excited about his new 'fiance' even though she hadn't agreed. But she couldn't let the same experience happen again, no, she wouldn't.

" Ran, I don't want to, today.."

" What,"

𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐲 sinnerhall

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