# : 𝟎𝟏𝟗

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( # : 𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝟎𝟏𝟗 )𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡

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( # : 𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝟎𝟏𝟗 )

That day Ran hadn't spoken much, which was unlike him. Before he had sent her downstairs to eat he had called somebody.

Their voice wasn't detectable by much but she could definitely tell it was a man on the other line. Ran didn't raise his head he looked down at the table not bothering to eat as the woman slowly picked up the spoon.

Bits of cereal fell from the spoon as milk dripped, clashing against the puddle of milk. (Name) hesitantly brought the cereal to her lips as she pried them open and swallowed it.

Even though it wasn't much, she hadn't eaten in a long-time. She hated ran for the fucked up shit he's done, especially his Punishments usually the cruelest of them all..

But.. she was grateful, he hadn't starved her to death even if she'd rather starve than take anything from him. Her hand shook tremendously as the vibration in her body made more cereal plop into the bowl.

(Name) lowered her head as her dislocated arm attempted to grip onto her thighs.

" Thank- you.."

Some words they both hadn't expected to come out of her mouth. It wasn't exactly like she said it with joy, more like it was forced as she choked to say the words out.

His head slowly picked itself up as if he was in pure disbelief of her saying that, Was it a fantasy. Ran knew how she'd always fight and fight against him, but had he broken her so badly that she had given up.

(Name) particularly just wanted to get on his Goodside, to stop the murder, the kidnapping.. and most definitely the rape.

A knock on the door interrupted the silent and awkward breakfast as Ran picked his head up. "Go upstairs," The monotone base in his voice showed how he was rather serious in the moment even though she hadn't finished eating the soggy cereal..

She got out of her seat and fell down on the floor, her legs still fractured and not taken care of. Ran eyed the woman as she laid helplessly and her wounds would open up if she walked any further.

"Just stay there," He pointed as he walked towards the door and let out a breath before opening the door. (Name) turned over on her stomach as she tried crawling leaving a blood trail.

Her eyes got a glimpse of who stood in the doorframe, They had a white dress shirt and some long black and white striped slacks.

His hair was a light cherry pink, it was long it hung all the way down to his shoulders or longer. ' Who was he,' the question she wanted to know the answer to.

Ran let the man inside which was strange since she was still on the floor obviously bleeding and beaten badly.

The man walked in closer before taking a look around, Ran just stood with his hands deep into his pockets. He had seemed like he was going to attack him there was nothing around for him to grab anyways.

Sanzu inched closer as he walked in front of the woman. His foot graced her stomach as he looked down.

" Wow, You weren't kidding, she's really so venerable.." The man said as he skimmed her body. Her legs were the only things that displeased him since they were bloody and it messed up his vision of her.

" But, she needs a bath," He stated as he got a smell of the tried blood that reeked on her body. "That's a lot coming from you- dick head." Snarling back at the man he placed his shoe on his leg as he applied pressure into it.

Stepping on her legs as she began to scream, the gruesome vocals she let out as her voice began to crack from pleading.

The other man approached Sanzu as she placed a hand on her shoulder; " Don't hurt my toy too badly, she's been well behaved."

Sanzu removed his foot from her leg as she started to curse underneath her breath. Tears attempted to form as she tried..

"Give her a bath first, and I'll inject it into her once your down."

Even though she was right there they still said their whole plan, what would they inject into her though..

Ran walked towards her as he started picking her up like a rag-doll. Her legs Flopping as he held her bridal style. (Name)'s head hanging off of his arm, not many signs of resistance was shown.

He walked towards the stairs then up leading to the bedroom. Kicking the door open he entered as he rushed to the bathroom which was on the other side of the room.

Sanzu stood downstairs as he listened to the floorboards creaking and the two entering the bathroom. His ears picked up on the water that started to flow into the tub.

Digging into his pocket he grabbed two items, one was a small bottle that had a pink liquid in it. Another was a needle, empty.

Footsteps approached the kitchen as he saw the unfinished cereal still floating into the bowl. He pulled the chair out as he sat down and opened the bottle.

The cap popped open as the plastic that covered it was thin, he dug the sharp end of the needle into it as he pressed down on the plunger releasing anything that had previously been in there.

Once it was empty he pulled it back and the syringe filled with the bright pink liquid slowly filling it. Sanzu brought it out of the bottle as he tapped the barrel as any dripping liquid wouldn't drip on the table.

A smile slowly formed on his lips as he chuckled a bit. " Half of this shit will paralyze her for 10 hours," a fact that'd later be useful.

While sanzu was in his own world Ran began scribing (name)'s back as the water-filled with red. She only placed her hands between her legs as her head leaned down slightly staring into her lap.

His eyes locked with her as he placed a kiss on the side of her cheek which she hadn't had enough time to react or turn her head.

" He won't hurt you, he's just here to give you some medicine," She picked her head up before looking at Ran's lavender eyes that hadn't had any hope in it.

" Will it heal my injures," 

The silence filled the room as ran just continued scrubbing her back ignoring the question. "It's just Medicine that'll help you,"

' Fuck you,'

𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐲 sinnerhall

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