# : 𝟎𝟎𝟖

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( # : 𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝟎𝟎𝟖 )𝐩𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭

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( # : 𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝟎𝟎𝟖 )

" What- What do you mean.. Punishment..?" (Name) whimpered the words outta her lips as she couldn't even bare talking. Her mind lingered on the fact that she technically committed a murder, it.. was true despair.

Ran whistled as she was still shattered in the traumatizing state, he thought she was overreacting since he'd committed murder countless times. But, they weren't the same.. not even in the slightest.

Inui stared at (name) as the two were in the same state, traumatized.. Ran kicked the knife away removing her chance of killing him, and her only chance of suicide.

He couldn't let her take the fun away in his little play session, he wanted to toy with her, she was his.

Her mind frantically panicked as she only wanted to throw up and cry at the sight of Mitsuya's decaying body. His organs spilling out, the blood still gushed out of his body.

His decaying body reeked the room as the aroma of his sent only faded, it was covered in the smell of blood. " Heh.. why..WHY" she panicked to herself as fell on the ground, she fell flat on her ass panicking like all hell was let loose.

" fuck, fuck, fuck.. Why.. why?"

Ran gazed down at her as she panicked, she clenched onto her knees as it weighed down on her stomach. She wasn't psychically hurt, she couldn't even feel Mitsuya's pain. But it hurt like hell.

She'd seen dead body in movies, but.. seeing it like this ruined all hope for her.

" (name) you haven't finished the game, so.. we're gonna have to punish you," Ran went over to the cart as his slender hands skimmed through all the dangerous items.

He kneeled down as there was a chainsaw underneath the cart, his hands wrapped around the handle as he held it in his grasp.

As the chainsaw dangled in front of him he walked over to Inui and (name). Inui's eyes were wide ad he could probably predict what he'd do next. He raddled in his chair, squirming against the tape.

(Name)'s eyes were filled with tears as they dripped onto her face, clouding her eyesight. Ran pulled on the cord getting ready to start the chainsaw up, the sound of the motor threw the two in shock.

It failed on the first attempt, as well as the second but on the third attempt, it worked. " There we go baby," His sociopathic nature took the best of him.

" Hey.., what are-you doing.." (name) turned over as she looked up at Ran, " It's called murder babe," he formed a grin on his face.

He raised the chainsaw as he saw the formidable look inside of Inui's eyes. " No, No, stop"

The woman whimpered on the floor with pleading words of sorrow, " your idiotic words won't stop me."

The closer he got the more she pleaded, her hand wrapped around his leg as she gripped him. Causing the chainsaw to send itself flying into Inui's face.

Inui's last look on his face was filled with despair and worry, The chainsaw sent itself into his face slicing him down the middle, it got caught up in between his bones as it went down the middle of his body.

His.. his blood..

His blood sprayed the room with red, spraying (name)'s face as she froze in fear. His brains were cut into two pieces as she could only watch in horror as both sides of his face fell to the side.

His organs were exposed to the cold air as they began to fall out like laundry slipping out of the basket. Her eyes widened as her body and mind were malfunctioning.

Everything.. in half, his face tore in sync as it fell to the ground almost on cue. Ran didn't stop from his process, the chainsaw stopped as Ran dug inside of Inui's decaying body.

Grabbing his organs as his blood was covered over his hand. He grabbed the organs and took it out bringing it into the open air, The woman stayed in shock, not knowing why, or what had happened.

Ran walked began her as he threw the Organs around her neck, he tied it down and knotted it as it strangled against her throat. He unlocked the chains as his other hand began to pull her with the intestine, her throat was being choked by Inui's intestine.

It strangled her throat as it cut off some oxygen circulating through her body,
" We're going to have so much fun! "

Ran cheered as he dragged (name) across the room, her head hit against multiple objects intentionally bruising her head as he dragged her. She was no more than a dog to him, a useless roadblock Stepping in his way.

This is what he persevered as LOVE...

Next thing was to bring her upstairs, (name) struggled with oxygen the more and faster he'd drag her around. It'd become harder to get the circulation she needed to live.

Ran dragged her bruised body around the house as she tried removing Inui's squishy and Disgusting intestine from around her neck. He dragged her up the stairs as she'd go headfirst into the steps.

Her skull became weak as It'd mostlikley become fractured. The blood in her head didn't waste any time to start pouring out.

When they reached the top of the steps, her body couldn't take the crash to the head, it instantly knocked her unconscious. The blood splatter on Ran's wooden floor as he dragged her.

"Huh," he turned around looking at the woman unconscious and bleeding. " That's a shame.. you couldn't even last a minute.."

Ran sighed as he dropped the intestine from his hands, his eyes examined her head as he'd seen all the damage caused to her head.

His hands played with her hair as she rested, with ease in her mind. He could feel how tense she was. His lips found their way on the middle of the forehead as he pressed them against her temple.

The kiss was cold as his lips were engraved in blood, he wiped it away as if it was simple lipstick.

" Don't worry (name) it'll all be fine, you'll forget this ever happened and it'll all be.. OKAY."

He held her within his arms as if he was an innocent being caring for her.. but he's sadly mistaken.

𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐲 sinnerhall

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