Chapter 1

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Faint light drifts through the blinds in front of the bed as Dean snaps awake, gasping for breath. Visions of his latest nightmare dance through his head, and he wipes his face, eyes darting around the small motel room. He blinks a few times to adjust to the dim light, and his eyes shift to the bed next to him, fear spiking his body when he finds it vacant.

"Sam?" He yells, his gruff voice echoing in the empty room. "Sammy?!" Dean leaps from his bed, fear clutching his throat, making it hard to breathe. Lucifer's malicious laugh echoes in Deans head as he searches everywhere for his brother, his fear only steadily growing. The laugh grows louder, taunting him with the previous nightmare. If Sam was really gone, as his nightmare forced his mind to feel, the pain would kill the elder brother slowly. Stumbling into the small wooden table, Dean leans against it, pressing his palms hard against the wood and squinting his eyes against the bright light as the front door swings open.

"Dean?" The bright light blinds Deans vision as a door flies open, a tall man standing in the midst of the light.

"Dean!" The man repeated in surprise. "Dean, are you okay?" Darkness blankets the room once again as the door clicks shut. The man strides to Dean, placing a hand supportively on Deans shoulder. The man is tall, tan, and muscular. His brown hair falls to about his shoulders and his blue-brown eyes sparkle with worry. Dean almost cries with relief as he recognizes the man, and the mans eyes flood with concern as the elder bends his head down, eyes tightly shut. The man leans close to him, plaid shirt ruffling against his blue jeans as he stares at Dean in alarm.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What the hell Sam?" Dean adds, slapping Sam's hand and rounds to face him, stormy hazel-green eyes blazing with a mixture of anger and relief.

"What, what do you mean?" Sam asks, standing up tall and squinting his eyes in confusion, running a hand through his long brown hair.

"Sam, last night I had a nightmare Lucifer stealing you and locking you in a cage, torturing you to death. I wake up and you're gone without a trace. I got scared man! After all the shit that's been happening, I tend to, oh I don't know, worry when something doesn't look right!"

"Dean, calm down. Look, maybe, you should talk to someone about these dreams. I mean, this is the third one this week, I'm starting to get worried. Maybe you should call Cas."

"I'm not going to freakin' call Cas, Sam. These dreams involve me and you. No one else. I'm just worried about you, that's all. Can I not worry about my younger brother? Is that such a crime... I'm fine, okay? Nothing to be concerned about." The two brothers stand there, frozen in their emotions. Dean glares into Sam's eyes, his green eyes blazing with fury, worry, and fear. Sam stares helplessly into Deans eyes, his warm brown-blue eyes full of concern, searching Deans face. After a moment, Dean sighs and turns away, running a hand through his already messy dark hair.

"Okay... I'm sorry." Sam apologizes, concern flooding his entire body.

"I just need a beer." With that, Dean turns and saunters into the tiny kitchen to the left of him, yanking open the fridge and grabbing two dark brown glass bottles. He tosses one to Sam, who's slowly crossing towards him and catches the bottle with ease. Dean gives a slight approving smile before grabbing the bottle opener and opening his bottle, then tosses that to Sam as well, who catches it easily and laughs.

"Dean, I'm sorry, really. I just needed some fresh air. I was beginning to feel suffocated in this small room. I promise, from now on, if I leave before you get up, I'll leave a note saying exactly where I'm going and why I'm going there." Dean takes a swig from the bottle then nods, facing the closed curtains.

"Okay, what ever. Fair enough." Sam sighs with relief and sets his bottle of beer down on the counter by the laptop, placing his hands behind his head and knotting his fingers in his hair, slowly circling the entire room, feet gently dragging.

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