Chapter 3

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Sam felt fear clutch at his throat as Scarlet rushes forward and throws her arm across his neck, tracing his jaw with the cold, shining tip of the knife. Dean rushes forward, but stops as Scarlet fixates her glare on him.

"Not so fast!" She hisses, sliding the knife from Sam's face and dragging it down his arm, slowly puncturing the skin and gliding it down, opening a long cut. Dark red liquid bubbles at the tip of the knife and drips down his arm, seeping through the length of the cut. Sam shivers at the warm sensation and struggles in Scarlets arms. "Keep still boy, or it gets worse." Scarlet growls in Sam's ear and he goes still. Dean glances helplessly at his brother, then glares at Scarlet, clearly pissed off.

"Let him go bitch!" Dean snarls, reaching into his pocket and yanking out his pistol, aiming it directly at Scarlets head. She looks at him in, what seems like amusement, then laughs.

"Really boy? You think that a stupid gun will kill me? I'm an demongel..... We can only be killed by a demon blade saturated in angel blood, or an angel blade saturated in demon blood....." Scarlet shrugs.

"Bitch I'll kill you now! Let him GO!"Dean yells, anger ablaze in his eyes.

"Why should I? Castiel broke his promise, and unlike him, I'm not one to break my promises." She almost purrs, grinning wickedly and sliding the blade across Sam's bare chest, tracing designs across it, not hard enough to puncture skin, but enough to leave red marks.

"Oh yeah? And exactly what promise did Cas break sweetheart?" Dean grins smugly. "Because he's an angel... They don't break promises." Scarlet tightens her grip around Sam's throat, and he stiffens, clawing even more furiously at her arms, his nails leaving red marks slashing across her pale skin, his eyes widen with alarm. Scarlet meets eyes with Dean, raising her eyebrows at him, then rolls them when she realizes Deans being serious.

"Well, if you must know, he promised to watch over me... to make sure I'm safe... well surprise surprise! The motherfucker lied to me."

"Come again?" Dean says, confusion and surprise glittering in his eyes.

"You heard me right, he lied. The place he kept me was with his old friend... Well, the old coot had a son. He was 19, and ugly! He hit on me a couple of times, and each time I rejected him... So, one day I got tired of his shit and totally chewed him out.... Castiel had just left and Damien, the son, in case ya'll aren't smart enough to know that, snuck up behind me a knocked me out cold. When I woke up, I was chained to a chair with only a baggy T-shirt on, a mini skirt, a thong and umm... no bra! I don't dress like that; I'm not a fucking whore!" she yells, outrage creeping into her voice.Deans eyes harden with anger as he realizes just what had gone down with Scarlet.

"Oh... I see..." Dean mumbles. he slowly lowers the gun, and Scarlet relaxes her grip on Sam's throat. At that moment, Dean lunges at Scarlet and punches her square in the jaw, with such force that she flies back and rams into the wall, crumbling to the ground with a shriek of pain. Sam gasps for breath and rises from the chair, nodding thanks to his brother and standing next to him, ready to face Scarlet. She rises and smiles, cruel joy glimmering in her gray gaze, specks of red glowing intently.

"You just made the biggest mistake you could." she breathes, then raises a hand and throws Dean into the far wall, glaring at him. He slams against the wall and falls to the ground, blood dripping from his mouth, leaving a large dent in the sea green wall. Scarlet then marches forward and stands over him,  raising her fist, slowly turning it in the air. Dean yells in pain, holding his side, before the coughing began. His coughs turn into hacks, then blood spurts from his mouth, dribbling down his chin and splattering onto the surrounding ares. He coughs and coughs, globs of blood sprouting from his mouth. Soon he becomes weak, and stops coughing, chocking in his own blood. Sam fills with anger and yanks open a drawer in the kitchen, grabbing a knife and flying at Scarlet, who remains unaware of the approaching threat. Sam is only a yard away when Cas appears between the two of them and raises a hand, sending Sam flying back. He crashes into the table then slams into the wall, hitting his head on the corner, lolling to the side. Blood drips from his forehead and his mouth... He's knocked out cold.

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