Chapter 6

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I'd like to take a moment to thank someone very... Special for helping me so much with this chapter. Without her... Psshhhh this chapter would be lacking very intimate details. TheUltimateRant, I love you so so so so so much for tolerating with my complaints and stuff... you helped me alot with this... Thank you sooooo much girly.... To be absolutely and completely honest, I don't think that I would've made it this far in my story if not for her encouragement.... And threats... If you want to read a good story, check her out. Bu she just helped alot with this Chapter, and I wanted to give her the recognition she deserved :)

Chapter 6

Dean pops open the trunk of his Impala, opening the hidden compartment and grabbing three clear jars of salt, stuffing one in each pocket of his jacket and gripping the third tightly in his left hand. Wincing, Dean slams the lid shut, then gently closes the trunk of the car, spinning on his heels and slowly meandering back to the motel room, casting a few cautious glances here and there across the parking lot. Approaching the door, Dean wipes his feet on the mat and takes in a deep breath before shoving the door open.

*moments earlier*

Sam tried to pull away as Lucifer's tongue slowly glided across his lips, forcefully pushing them open. He gripped the back of Lucifer's neck and tried pulling away, tried pushing him away, but Lucifer grinned and pushed himself closer against Sam's lean body.

You're going to have to kiss him back eventually.... The voice inside Sam's head quietly whisperer's to him, and he groans silently to himself. Sam pushes his tongue into Lucifer's mouth, intertwining it with the Fallen Angel's. Lucifer bites Sam's lip, slowly and softly pulling on it, as his hands explore Sam's face and neck, working their way down to his body. Sam adjusted himself closer to Lucifer and pushed him down and onto the bed, Lucifer on top of Sam. Lucifer's hands reach up and graze through Sam's brown hair, his fingers pulling at the knots. The soft tug of Lucifer's hands in his hair made Sam's heart flutter harder and harder, and he soon found himself lost in his feelings, slowly moving down and kissing Lucifer's neck.

"I have been waiting for this..." Lucifer moans as Sam's lips slowly make their way up to his ear, his breath tickling them as he kisses behind them, then moves down to his throat. "My one true vessel..."

Dean drops the bottle of salt as every muscle in his body goes limp.

"Holy shit!" He yells in absolute horror, squeezing his eyes shut, his blood pounding through his body.

Sam ignores his brother, moving his lips back up to Lucifer's, kissing him harder, intertwining his tongue with the Angels.

Dean strides forward and violently rips Lucifer off of Sam, throwing him into the kitchen table. Lucifer slams into it, rolling off of it and landing on the floor with a thud. Sam leaps up from the bed, anger, confusion, and lust battling in his eyes.

"What the hell?" They both yell at the same time, Dean to Sam, Sam to Dean and himself.

"What the hell is this?" Dean shouts, glaring at his younger brother in absolute anger, and slight alarm. Sam stumbles backwards under his brother's violent stare, tripping over his feet and collapsing onto the ground, falling flat on his butt, landing with a yelp of surprise.

"I... I don't know... To be honest... " Sam stutters, looking helplessly over at Lucifer. "I... We kissed..." Sam trails off, lost for words. Dean throws his hands into his hair, rolling his eyes, annoyance glittering in them.

"No shit Sherlock, I could see that pretty damn well... What I mean is why? Why Lucifer? What the hell?" Deans anger snaps again and he slams his fist into the wall, reopening his cuts from earlier. He draws his fist in close, cupping it and squeezing his eyes shut against the pain, a tear streaming down his cheek and dripping down his chin.

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