Chapter 8

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My eyes blink open. I lay on a blanket, in the middle of a field. I groan, scanning the area around me. Trees. Birds. Sunshine. A cool breeze. Same stupid shit as usual... Why can't my dreams ever be interesting? I mean, come on? Why can't someone get tortured like in Deans dreams? Oh... Right.... That was me relaying my message... Well why can't anyone do that to me? I'm a terrible person... Can't someone want to kill me? I don't even know how the hell I can sleep... Angels don't sleep... Demons don't sleep.... And I'm not human...

I sigh to myself.

Right now, I feel like Cas! I have no understanding what so ever about this situation... As he would say, it remains mysterious. What's the point of sleeping anyway? To wake up and 'dream'? To live out your fantasies and no one can interrupt you? It's stupid... Only benefit I see from this would be to refresh yourself... But it serves no true thing.... I mean, if my dreams were a bit more... Interesting and not boring, I wouldn't have a complaint ...

Suddenly,darkness blankets the field around me, and I smile, fearful but intrigued.

Where did everything go....

A smoky white fog snakes in out of nowhere, slowly blanketing the entire room.

Am I actually having an interesting dream for once?

"Anna!" I hear someone yell, and the hair on the back of my neck stands up. Muffled bangs and crashes sound from my right, and shrieks of pain echo in my skull. Fear throbs in my heart, pounding in my throat. My blood roars in my ears, and I start shaking with fear and anger. This 'dream' has taken a turn towards a nightmare.... I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to block out the sounds. A bright, sickly white light begins to glow from the fog,drifting above me. I sit up, ready to run, but something grips me tight, slamming me onto the bed and trapping me there...

God damn it... So this is how it ends? This is where I die? Well okay then...

"Do not fret, dear Scarlet. You are safe, I promise..." A loud voice drums from the fog, echoing around the room and softly pounding in Scarlet's ears. Scarlet lifts her head from the pillow, slowly gazing around the dimly lit room... No one, and nothing is visible...

"Who the hell are you?" Scarlet snaps, her eyes darting around the room. The Voice chuckles softly, rumbling through the room, before he speaks again.

"I am nobody that you should be afraid of, young one." He replies lightly, his voice softening. Scarlet groans , slamming her head down on her pillow and closing her eyes, breathing in and out slow and steady.

Wake up... Wake up... Wake up... She mumbles to herself, relaxing.

"You are awake..." The voice sighs.

"Well.... If I am, then can you turn down the brightness, please? I feel like I'm staring right at the freakin' sun.... I very much so enjoyed the darkness, thank you very much. Also, could you maybe, perhaps take off these restraints! I feel like I'm going to be raped and brutally murdered." She mutters, opening her eyes and glaring into the white mist. Again the voice chuckles before replying.

"You sure are a stubborn one, Scarlet... I like you... They weren't lying when they told me about you. Check your restraints." He instructs. Slowly, Scarlet slides her arms up, pulling herself into a sitting position. Gently and cautiously, she curls her legs in, swinging them off of the bed and stepping onto the floor. Scarlet braces herself, half expecting it to he cold emptiness, but widens her eyes in surprise as re feet this against the warm, solid ground. Standing up tall, she crosses her arms over her chest, glaring dead into the fog, eyes cold.

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