Chapter 9 Part 2

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Crowley stood in the crowded bar, quietly talking with big, gruff looking man.

"So, we got a deal mate?" Crowley finished, a sly grin spreading across his face. The man hesitated, running his hand through his beard.

"So... Let me get this straight: I say yes, and everything goes back to normal?"

"Yes, you pigeon. Everything shall be like it was before." Crowley sighs, locking his hazel gaze with the mans dark brown ones.

"Okay... we have a deal," The man says after a moment of hesitation. Grinning, Crowley grips the man's collar and pulls him in, pushing his lips against the man's. The man remains frozen until Crowley pulls away.

"And there we are. Have fun." He remarked, then slowly marched away, approaching the counter and sitting down on one of the empty bar stools.

"My usual." He told the girl, and she smiled placing a shot glass on the counter. She grabbed a bottle from the counter and gingerly poured in the honey color liquid.

"One shot Scotch bottled Craig, just how you like it." She said as she handed Crowley the glass. He thanked her and downed the drink in one gulp. Wincing slightly, he slid the glass towards the girl and looked around the room when she walked in. A tall women, her long red hair flowing down her back, slowly walked towards Crowley her dark eyes clouded.

Beautiful... Scared... Lost... Confused... Perfect victim. He thought to himself as she approached, then grinned.

"Hi." The girl shyly greeted, slowly approaching Crowley.

"Why hello there." He rasped back, eyes sparkling. "Please, have a seat." He offered, patting the empty stool next to him. Ducking her head, she sat next to him, nervously playing with her hair.


"The names Crowley." He spoke, and she smiled, looking down at the ground. "Can I buy you a drink?" He asked. She opened her mouth, as if to decline, but Crowley ignored her, ordering her a lime-zing margarita. The woman behind the counter shook up the drink, then handed it to Crowley. Thanking her, Crowley gently set the drink down in front of her, then repositioned himself so that he was facing her.

"Thank you." She mumbled, grabbing the drink. Gingerly, she took a sip of her green drink, then slightly winced at the tart taste.

"No problem. Now, tell me about yourself. What's your name, doll?" He asked.

"We'll, my name is Anna Milton." She finally said, and Crowley smiled. "I live with my parent's, Richard and Amy Milton in Ohio... I'm here to try to get to a uh, friends house." She stammered, looking slightly confused and very frightened, but trying to conceal her emotions.

"Ah... I see." Was all Crowley said before sniffing the air. Something inside of him, his inner demon, smiled at the faint smell in the air.

Angel... Fallen.... Grace ripped and fell.... He thought to himself as the Angelic scent swept across his demon heart.

"Tell me, deary, why are you so scared? No one is going to hurt you." Anna faced him, eyes wide, almost with a crazy glint to them.

"I-I just escaped from my Mental Institution." She stammered, fear rising madly in her gaze.

"Ah... I see. And why, exactly, were you there in the first place?" Crowley asked. Anna's eyes grew wide and fear almost came off of her in waves, covering her entire being. Crowley reached over and gently laid his hand over hers, squeezing it slightly and flashing he a reassuring smile. "You can trust me."

"Because they thought that I was crazy." She finally confessed after a moment of hesitation. Crowley squinted his eyes, and she continued with a small shrug. "On September 18th, 2008, I began hearing Angel's speaking. They said some things... I was just trying to warn everyone, but no one listened... They all deemed me as a crazy lunatic and sent me to that mental institution to try to get better... but a Demon tried killing me so I had to escape.. And now everyone's after me trying to send me away. I bet you think I'm just as crazy as they did don't you?" She flashes, and Crowley shakes his head.

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