Chapter 9 Part 1

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"I'm sure you all remember when I lost my Grace, correct?" Anna begins, leaning against the small circular wooden table, arms crossed over her chest. "I mean, come one.... I was an absolute mess.... God." Sam laughs from where he stands beside Lucifer, grinning at Dean, who sit's with Scarlet on her bed. Deans nods to Sam, then glares at Anna, his eyes as cold as a harsh winter breeze. Fiona remains standing by the dresser, listening intently, running her finger's through her hair gently untangling it. Crowley groans from where he sits on the couch, bored, and Gabriel's eyes dart from Crowley to Anna to Scarlet, still absorbing what happened earlier.

"God damn yes, we remember! Now get on with this!" Dean shouts, breathing heavy, eyes narrowing. Anna glares at Dean for a moment, locking her jaw, before looking back at Scarlet.

"Fine... Anyway's as I was saying, during that brief time, I met Crowley... At that time,I thought that he was mildly attractive,-" she cuts off as disgusted groans arise from almost everyone in the room.

"Now that's extremely gross!" Dean gags, holding his chest. I honestly think I'm about to puke." Sam grunts an agreement, and Crowley glares at them both, eyes blazing.

"Shut up, you giant flannel-wearing freaks." he snaps, and Dean just rolls his eyes, looking a bit pale.

"Anyway's.... We talked, and I trusted him... but was soon tricked.... I didn't want this to happen, but him being the bitch he was tricked me into the deal."

"You liar." Crowley gruffs, eyes locking with Anna's. "You were more than willing to go along with it."

"I may have been, but you betrayed both of us, Crowley. I feel nothing for you what so ever." Her eyes flash briefly with hurt, but return to their cold glare. "You're nothing but a hideous, disgusting Crossroads Demon. Actually... I think i was drunk that night." She remarks, glancing away

"But why now?" Scarlet yells agitated, all patience ran out. "I've been alive for almost 18 years! why is it now, out of no where, that you want me?"

"Now... That's incorrect... But we'll get into those details later." Crowley smiles, eyes glinting. "But, I will tell you this: Almost all of your abilities, booth Demon and Angel, have almost reached their peak strength, and you have almost discovered every ability you possess. Anyone, or anything, that can sense that power know's just the amount of power you posses, and they know what you can do. You can overpower just about anything, love, and with one hand can kill anything. Hell..... you could easily kill anyone with your pinkie finger. Which makes you very vulnerable, and that's why everyone want's you now. And you can't hide, because they will be able to smell you from miles away" Crowley answers with a slight chuckle, and Anna nods, eyes closed. Everyone in the room goes silent as they absorb all of the words just spoken, analyzing everything. Finally, Scarlet speaks, breaking the deathly silence.

"So... Pretty much, I have to run?" She gapes with a slight choke.

"No... You're safe here." He replies. Scarlet gazes at him, confused, and he rolls his eyes. "The scent of Gabriel here will scare them away, and they will think that the Angel is just Castiel... I visit frequently because mine and your's Demon scents will be the same, and I can mask your tracks... Basically, as long as you stay with us, you'll be safe."

"Speaking of Cas, he should be here." Dean ponder's. "He'll be pissed if we exclude him from this... And he has a right to be here."

"Then call for the feather-brain!" Crowley exclaims. ""Jesus, you're dumber than the Moose over there!" Lucifer balls his fists up, glaring at Crowley, and Sam wraps an arm around his shoulder, whispering something in his ear, and he calms immediately.

"Shut up." Is all Sam says.

"Well?" Anna questions. "Going to call him?"

"I am here." Castiel rasps, appearing next to Dean, who jumps slightly.

"Holy shit, Cas!" he mumbles. "A warning next time?" Castiel looks at Dean, squinting his eyes, and Dean laughs, grabbing Cas by the waist and sitting him on his lap, whispering something in the Angel's ear, who blushes and ducks his head.

"Well isn't this a party, huh?" Anna remarks with a snort of disgust. Dean opens his mouth to speak, but Cas turns and places a finger on his lips, eyes sparkling.

"Just sit there quietly and look pretty." He silently mumbles to Dean, who smiles and rests his forehead against the Angel's back.

"Details, Dad." Scarlet snaps, eyes glinting in the sunlight. "I want the details, and I want them now." Crowley rolls his eyes, a silent laugh escaping his lips.

"You sure got your mother's attitude." he grins, then sighs when Scarlet glares at him. "Okay... Fine... I shall tell you everything." He snaps his finger's and Balthazar appears, a cocktail in his hands, grinning like an eight year old.

"Ah... Let me guess; Story time?" he slurs, slouching onto the couch and sipping at his drink.

"Now we're all here! Now, it all began while I was at the bar..."

Please note: Yes this chapter is short, but the second half will be up soon, I promise!!! There's just a slight variation in the way the story is told so I'd like to keep this as smooth as possible :) but i assure you it will be up, and once it is you'll understand why I chose to do this :)

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