Autobots and Werewolves ( Jack, Miko, Raf )Part 1

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        Jack POV
            I come out of the school to feel the chill air of fall surround me, as I walk down the steps I see Miko and Raf waiting for me. They are my pack and the only ones left of our kind so far as we know. I smile to them and we walk down to my house to leave our stuff there before heading to the outskirts of Jasper. You see we have a special power to turn into wolves not just any wolves the wolves that are told in urban legends and are passed down from family to family as a prophecy or a story. As we approach our den we begin the painful process to turn into our wolves, once we are fully transformed I take lead and take off runing to the hills and montains with Raf and Miko behind me. I have black fur with hits of white and silver mixed in and blue eyes. Miko has black fur as well with patches of white and grey and light brown eyes, Raf is dark brown fur with light brown mixed in and some spots white, with dark brown eyes. As we get closer I can see a big area surrounded by these giant blue crystals, I could feel the energy coming off them as we get closer. I notice a red muscle car approaching and I tell Miko and Raf to hide, as we duck behind a rock I can see it transform into a robot? I saw these purple ones come down and surround him, I look at Raf and Miko and gave a nod of lets go and we charge at the purple bots and take them down pushing them away from the red bot. After a while I hear a sound and loud noises of someone landing, I was too busy to notice the red bot going over and talking to them. I saw three bots where cornering Miko and Raf, I gave a loud snarl and charge at the purple bots full speed jumping up and tearing it head off. I jumped onto the next and did the same thing, the last one I turned and stood to my full height and growled and lunged at it and tore off its arm as it tried to run away. I huffed as it transformed and took off I look to Raf and Miko and walk over to them checking if they are alright. I turned around to see more of the bots like the red one, I spot the one with red and blue colors looking at me with grateful and curious eyes. I nod and turn back to Raf and Miko pushing them to head up the hillside time for us to hunt. Once I was at the top I turned and saw all the bots looking at me and my clan. I gave a deep howl and turned and took off runing with Raf and Miko behind me still full of energy from the excitement of the battle. I gave a deep chuckle and took them to a forest reserve to hunt some deer, as we surround the deer I jump out and attack one while Miko and Raf take the other two. Once we caught our prey we head back to our cave/den hidden in the canyons. As we laid down and ate our meal I saw it was getting late and we needed to head back to my house before my mom gets there. Once we are ready we turn back into our human form and take off runing to my house which is only 20 mins away from our place here in the canyons. As we got there we head in through the back door laughing as we had only seconds to spare before my mom came in through the garage. Jeez Miko did not knoe you can run that fast! I said still laughing. Raf was giggling as Miko looked red in the face like a  tomato. " Hahaah laugh it up Jack next time I will tackle you to the ground !" she said with an amused twinkle in her eyes. I rolled my eyes and turned to my mom and smiled Hi mom how was work? " It was good but I got stuck with the double shit so I came to shower eat and then head back. You don't mind right? I dislike leaving you here alone all weekend." I smile and say mom its fine honestly I will be okay. She smiles at me" Okay but if anything happens call me okay?" I will mom, and with one last hug she heads up stairs to shower, I turn and look at Raf and Miko, Okay so since tomorrow is school do you guys wanna spend the night here and head to school in the morning? " Heck ya Jackrabbit!" " For sure Jack" I smile. All right then call your parents and let them know okay Im gonna go and set up the beds for you guys. I watch as the head to the living room as I go upstairs I can hear them talking. Eventually, I pull out the air mattresses and set them up in my room and put their stuff next to the dresser. I head downstairs to see my mom grabbing lunch for later and her keys, Bye mom have a good night at work ! " Bye Ms. Darby! shouted Raf and Miko. I chuckle and close the door locking it as she leaves the driveway, once she is gone I look at the clock and notice its close to midnight. Okay guys we have to get some sleep now for we have to get up ealry and I have work after school tomorrow, so lets get a move on then. Once they are in bed I thought about the bots we saw today Who are they? What are they doing here? I silently sigh and turn to my side and go to sleep.

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