Alpha Demon Wolf Jack Darby

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Once there was a time when demons and angles didn't just have human forms they could also shift into animals of any kind. They could be anywhere the angles in the light and the demons in the shadows. The battles they had were the fiercest they had, in the dead of night among the stars and the mountain tops they battle until no one is left that is until one night. After a gruesome battle, there was one left except one little wolf pup. He is the son of the alpha tribe and he lost both his parents and his tribe. As he cried out there was a human woman that was walking and heard his cries and wandered over to him, by then he looked more like a human baby than a wolf pup. This woman's name is June darby and as she picked up the baby she smiled and held him close softly whispering  "You are my miracle I shall name you Jackson Carl Darby, I will take care of you as my own." And from that night on she took Jack home and raised him as her own and now he is age 16 about to receive his powers as well meet some new friends that can possibly help him. 

Jack Pov 

I got off my shift when I feel this invisible tug going out into the desert, I ignored it favoring to admire this nice bicycle that's parted outside my job. I sat on the seat admiring its color texture and...wait for some reason something is telling me that this is a living being. When I touch the handlebars I could feel the power flowing through the insides of this sentient being. I was jerked back into reality when the bike moved on its own taking me with it. Whoah !! I yelled into the wind, and at the same time I heard " Don't let go !" As we drove around the streets and into an alleyway I got off and apologized for the trouble and left down one alleyway as the motorbike went the opposite way from me. I turned around and saw one of the purple cars turn and began to chase me. I began to run faster as I felt this heat surge up inside me, I could hear my heart beating in my ears. My hearing became sharper and my sense of smell did as well, I was so overwhelmed I began to panic about what was happening to me. The next thing I know the motorcycle appeared next to me and I hoped on hanging on as she sped up away into the freeway. I heard the voice that came from the motorcycle it sounded like a female so I assumed she is a female. Once we landed in the canal thankfully there was no water there, I got off as I felt the heat that was building up come down. I looked around and saw a kid there standing by the edge of the tunnels. I heard a noise and turned around as I saw the two cars and motorcycle had turned into a robot-looking figure. I turned around and took the kid by the arm and pulled him with me to the pipe tunnels and said "Get in kid !" When I heard stomping and saw one of the purple robots coming for us I could feel the overwhelming heat and sensory coming back I cried out in pain as I fell to the floor curling up into a ball blinded by my pain as my bones cracked and bent and the heat that was burning my skull that felt like it was engulfing me. Unaware of what was going on around me I didn't hear voices calling me or the sound of others arriving until I felt something being placed over me, it felt cool to the touch and when I realized that I had my eyes closed I opened them to see that I was in complete darkness. I shifted but regretted it when I felt my body spasm with pain that traveled everywhere. I panted heavily and shakily called out hello? Is anyone there? I heard a noise before the light engulfed my form, I groaned in pain as the light hit my still sensitive eyes. I slowly opened my eyes again and saw I had a blanket wrapped around me and that I seem to be in some kind of silo or warehouse. I turned my head and saw a robot with deep blue eyes and his color scheme seemed to be blue and red, the motorcycle lady next to him, a green dude, a bumblebee-looking one, and a red and white one. I tilted my and tried to ask what happened when I noticed my voice was gone probably from the screaming in pain I thought to myself what the heck is going on? I sighed and began to sign "What happened? How did I get here and who are you guys?" At first, they just stared at me until the red and blue one stepped forward and spoke" You were collapsed on the ground screaming in pain, my second in command Arcce here brought you back here to see what was wrong with you partly because you saw them in their forms and because you had broken bones and was on fire." I looked at him in shock I shook my head sighing "No way that's impossible that is only an urban legend no way I was on fire or my bones began to break out of nowhere." All of sudden a holo screen appeared in front of me showing me on the ground as my bones began to break and my body lit up on fire. I sat there in silence as it ended. I was thinking a million thoughts in my head as question after question came one after another. Am I not human? What Am I? Can my mother do this? I was snapped out of my thoughts as the red and white one came forward and said: " Well kid from what just happened you don't have a single burn or broken skin from the bones breaking, how did you do that if I may ask?" I looked at him and sighed "I don't know, I was just feeling scared and I felt this heat inside me build up and my senses went crazy, and then this overwhelming pain took over, I couldn't think or see straight." He hummed in response and had a thoughtful look on his face as he walked back to the others. When he spoke again it wasn't in a language I heard before but I could see that it was natural for all of them to speak that. I turned my attention to my surroundings when I thought of my mother again I began to panic because of my curfew I could see that I was gonna be late if I didn't leave now. I turned around to see the red and blue bot looking at me already so I sighed quickly to him my situation and he nodded walked over to me and picked me up carefully and placed me on the ground next to him as he spoke to the red and white bot. Next thing I know Arcee turned into the motorcycle and said hope on I wasted no time and got on as she shot out of the silo heading out a tunnel heading in the direction of my house when we got there I had 3 mins before my mom got home I got off and sighed to Arcce thanks for the ride when. Optimus the red and blue bot assigned me to protect you so I have to stay here, I'm sorry but I can't understand only Optimus can. I took a deep breath and rolled her into my garage to keep the act up as my mom arrived.She looked mad I had gotten a bike without her permission but she relented when I sighed that I would wear a helmet and explained why I can't speak. Once she left inside I turned around and patted Arcce as a good night gesture and closed the garage door heading inside myself. 

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