Jack and Optimus part 4

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I woke up with a pounding helm and whimpered curling in on myself. I felt carrier in our bond send waves of comfort to me. I felt Carrier approaching me and was gently rubbing my helm to soothe my pain. I nuzzled into his servo and relaxed as the pain went away. * What happened carrier?* I opened my optics to see sire recharging on a crate near by. I looked up and saw carrier looking at me with relief and worry. * Be calm my sparkling you had a primal rage overload, sire helped you control and you passed out from over excertering yourself.* I frowned and asked * Primal rage ? What is primal rage carrier, I can't remember what happened in the canyons only see megatron go near you both and it's all red from there until i felt sire and I saw you and sire standing there as predecons and then nothing and here I am.* I watched as carrier frowned and the vent heavily. * I think it would be best for your sire to explain that for I don't know much of it myself little one* I licked his servo and nuzzled it. I opened my eyes again and saw carrier transform into a predecon like me. I gave a happy warble and crawled over to him and cuddled into his side. I felt him put his wing over me and his tail around me and pulled me closer to him. I could hear his spark beating steadily and strong. I relaxed against him and laid my helm on his shoulder. I felt carrier begin to lick my helm and snout cleaning me. I whined and moved away from his tongue. I felt him pick me up and place me in his paws and held me still as he cleaned me. I gave off a low whine and glared at carrier * Oh calm yourself! Before I get my wrenches!* I looked away and stayed still. I grumbled about wrenches and I didnt want my helm to hurt more than now. Once he was done he released me from his grip and I shot out of the med bay heading to sires room. I got in there and closed the door. I crouched down and crawled through a secret vent that is big enough for me to crawl through and move around in. I just closed the vent covering when I heard the door open and carrier and sires pedes came into view. I snickered quietly and continued to move through the vents that led up to the silo top. Once I was at the top I shook off the dust that got on me and I went to the ledge and looked down. * that's a long way down* I felt sire and carrier tugging on our bond asking me where I am at. * The silo top * I looked around and heard the elevator turn on as they came into view. I gave a playfully smile and jumped off the ledge. I roared gleefully and dove downward to gain momentum and opened my wings last second and shot up really fast. I gave an alpha roar for predraking to come and he came. I flew away from base and led him to the canyons I heard sire and carrier flying towards us not to far behind. I landed as did predraking and asked him if he wanted to practice battle movements. He nodded and we went into our battle stances. I saw sire and carrier land and were about to intervene * No we are just practicing and playing as well* I watched as predraking came at me and I dodged his attack and gently bit his neck and threw him across the ground. I ran after him and he jumped off the ledge and I went down after him. I could feel sires and carrier worry for me. I sent them some comfort and told them I was fine. I was chasing predraking and waving in and out of the pilars. I landed right behind him as he landed on some pilars and was running over them. I caught up to him and tackled him and pinned him. He yield and I let go.....so wanna play tag ? I asked predraking he asked me what is tag? I explained it to him, Its a game where one person chases the other until they are it and chases the other person who tagged them to get them back. He nodded in understanding and tagged me and ran off. I looked shocked for a moment and roared playfully and chased after him. I almost had him when he went to the sky and was heading to my creators. I chased after him and tackled him and spoke Your it now ! We went at this game for a while until it was late. I was flying up high with predraking when we ( meaning me) decided let's scare optimus and ratchet with our sonic boom. As we circled we closed our wings and dove down towards them. Right as we neared them our sonic boom went off. I saw them jump startled and gave us a playful glare. I roared in happiness as we both weaved in and out of the pilars again. This time I lost control I couldn't regain my balance and was falling to the ground fast. I roared for help and predraking came at me and caught me and we both rolled and laned against the back of a canyon wall hard. I heard a noise and saw rocks about to fall on us. I quickly jumped and covered myself and predraking with my wings and body. Once it was over I heard my creators roars for us. I opened my bond with them and spoke to them * We fine, were okay, were under some rocks that fell on us when we crashed to the ground.* * ROCKS !!* I flinched at Carirrers voice. * Yes rocks but were fine carrier !! We are not hurt just our pride is bruised* I saw some rocks being removed and felt sires presence removing the rocks on us. Once the debri was removed I removed my wings as did predraking to reveal the concerned looks of my creators and predraking and myself looking ashamed for having to cause my sire, Alpha of our clan to come and dig us out. We both sat with our helms down in embarrassment.

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