Chapter 15

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"I am here to clear all the misunderstandings regarding mate of Rogue Alpha and Gamma Jaden. I am afraid that the decision made by you was wrong they both are not mates. This is the first time this type of vulgarity took place that's why I had to come here myself to announce it, the next time it happens nothing less execution would be accepted as punishment. Now I'll leave and I hope I don't have to come here with such type of information again." Seer told and left everyone in disbelief.

"So Mr. Jaden just like I said before from today onwards Moonlight will not be involved in any kind of trade relationship with Blue River also it came to my notice that all the packs have cut off the water supply to that was used by the Rogues. Since the Rogue territory is pretty close to the Moonlight's residence a canal will directly supply the water to their territory." Tzuyu announced, everyone even Sana was in shock, no one has ever been willing to share their assets with the rogues.

"I am sorry Alpha please forgive us, I will make sure it doesn't happen again. Please Alpha." The Blue River Alpha exclaimed but Tzuyu remained unfazed by it, the others misunderstood her kindness for her weakness she knew it was the time she had to stop it.

"This what happened last time too, last time you said you would keep your Gamma in control and here he is disrespecting a female who is an Alpha infront of hundreds of people, despite the warning he didn't back off rather he had the audacity to file a request for trial. What is even worse that people were ready to accept it all even though his claims are baseless, ninety-nine percent of people already declared her guilty of the crime she didn't even commit." Tzuyu said the raise in tone of her voice was evident she took a deep breathe to calm herself and spoke again.

"Iwas kind enough to not do something at the party just because of that kid butyou repeated the same thing again. The first time you did it, it was mistake,The second time it was on purpose and by the third time it will become habit. Iam sorry for the steps I took but it was your unawareness about your pack thatmade me do it." With that Tzuyu walkedout not bothering to say her final greetings.

Hello hello hello, how are you guys doin' hope you are fine do you think what Tzuyu did was right? and being honest there are some interesting things coming up. Stay tuned to find out more about it. Vote if you liked the story, Comment down below your thoughts about the book. Don't forget to follow me.

Till next time

Stay Stafe, Stay Healthy

Peace Out 

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