Chapter 1

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Its just another day for Y/n's training with her trainer, her aunt Melissa. She started training at the age of 7 and she trains without knowing why she needs it but just thought about it as her self defense.

In spite of the fact that pistols were involved for her training...

During her 10 years of intense training, the 17 year old Y/n mastered the uses of guns and could also fight with just her own body.

"That's right, Y/n! Well done." Your aunt clasp your sweaty shoulders as she wiped your wet baby hair out off your face, smiling proudly at you.

You just finished off with the last bullet of your pistol casually hitting the head of your target.

"I bet your mother will be very much proud of you, sweetheart." You both smiled at each other.

"Thank you mom.." You hugged her, smiling widely..

"Aish.. you kid, you're a sweating mess! Go and take a shower already!!" She playfully pushed you inside the house and you just giggled and obliged.

Your aunt told you that your mother died years ago because of an accident. You couldn't ask for more information about your mother's death because you didn't want to trouble your aunt with more of the questions running inside your head.

Once she told you that your mother is gone, she also hurriedly took you to one of her contemporary houses in hers and your mother's province and would visit you there often for training bonding. She made sure to hire some trusted body guards for you while she's gone.

Although you are a properly trained combat, you just accepted the decision of your aunt, having bodyguards for you for double security.

But, double security for what?

Nevertheless, you address her as your second mother so you were used into calling her as "mom". Although she likes to be single, but she also wanted a kid. She treated her like her own and would tell stories of her and your mom when they were still little.

You were fond of your aunt's accompany and suddenly, your eyes adverted into space as some sudden thought of your father came up in your mind.

In the middle of shampooing your hair, you stopped and looked at yourself into the mirror, staring at yourself, debating if you're going to ask your aunt about your father or not.

Shaking your head, you continued your bath and finished by dressing up for lunch.

You went down in the living room and a smile crept into your face, seeing your aunt cooking and dancing with some music.

You giggled and back hugged her, smelling the food she's making.

"Hmmm... who the heck is back hugging me right now?" She asked curiously, ignoring you.

"Where is Y/n? What's taking her so long??" She faked cried and you just laughed..

"Aunt, its me!" You chuckled.

"Oh, is this my Y/n? All I see now is some hungry kid waiting for my dish!!!" She runs up to you and tickle your sides, making you roll yourself laughing...

Once she turned off the stove, you helped her set up the table and the two of you started eating.

Still debating whether you are going to ask about your father or not, curiosity took over you and you nodded, swallowing your food.

"Uhm, mom?" She hummed in reply, still focusing on her food.

"I... I uh.. I wanted to ask about my father-" You stop midway when she choked her food and you quickly gave her a glass of water.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, what?" She immediately wiped her mouth with a napkin and looked at you.

"I wanted to ask about my father.." You said, as you fought your stuttering.

"Your father?" Her eyes suddenly grow cold at the thought of it but shook her head and placed a fake smile.

"He died." She simply said and continued eating.

"Finish your food, its getting cold." She said, not looking at you and you just nodded in return.

The two of you finished your meals and you both helped the maids to clean up the table while they do the rest. 

You have nothing left to do so you decided to change and go to the nearest library to study.

You were homeschooled so you don't need to attend school. Your private professor, Mr. Kim Namjoon, was hired by your aunt. They seem close so its fine for you. Your aunt wanted the best for you just like your mother.

Mr. Kim gave you some topics to study about biology and physics so you really need to go to the library.

tying your shoelace, you heard a knock on your door, revealing your aunt Melissa leaning at your door frame looking at you with 'where are you going' face.

"Uh, mom I need to go to the nearest library to study. You know, Sir Namjoon told me to study about biology and physics. And-" She placed a finger on to your lips and just shook her head with a smile.

"Go. You can go. I don't want to see you bored here and think that I am so strict. You can go anywhere if you want after you study. Just be careful on your way.." You hugged her and the two of you went out of your room.

"Can you please ready the car, oppa?" You said and smiled to one of your body guards and he nodded immediately running to the garage and started the car.

After some seconds, you heard a car heading into your way and saw Dongpyo inside.

He then stepped out of the car and was about to run to the other side to open the door for you but you stopped him. 

"Nononono.. Its fine I can do it." You chuckled and he just nodded in understanding.

Stepping inside of the car, you placed your seatbelt and leaned back.

"Where are we heading Ms. Y/n?" Dongpyo asked playfully.

"Yah, I told you to not call me Ms. Y/n anymore.. aishhh.." He just chuckled at your response.

Dongpyo is the youngest bodyguard your aunt hired and became your bestfriend too. He was found when you accidentally separated from your aunt at the mall when you were 15, and he helped you find your way back to your aunt.

He was lonely back then, his parents and younger sister were dead because of an accident and he needed to live alone. He was grieving and finding a part time job for his school's tuition but ran into you instead.

As a thank you, your aunt hired him as one of your bodyguards, trained him together with you. And helped him pay his tuition for his last semester.  She also decided to have him homeschooled just like you so that you have company. You treated him as your older brother and he did likewise.

Just to be fair with your other bodyguards, and maids you got close to them to and treated them as a family.

"Library again, dongsaeng?" He asked, looking at the front mirror.

"Yes oppa. And anywhere after that." His eyes bulged shock and you just giggled.

"What?! what do you mean anywhere?" He said in exaggeration.

"Mom allowed us to wander after studying." You said grinning at him and he suddenly did the same, knowing what you were thinking.

"Amusement park it issss~" He clapped cheerfully like a child and you did the same and both of you laughed.

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