Chapter 3

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The person followed his eyes to where the sound came from and spotted your car, driving away from them.

"W-who did that?" Jake asked him and followed his gaze and found your car.

He then immediately looked at your plate number and squinted his eyes..

"H-143... I think I've seen this car plate number before..." He murmured and immediately helped his friend stand up from the ground.

"Jay hyung! You alright?" Jungwon helped Jake make Jay stand up.

"Obviously not. But I think we would be dead right now if this jerk has not been shot." He pointed to the person lying on the ground.

"Shot by the head too.." Sunghoon then came panting along with the 3 others..

"I heard you say that the plate number is familiar to you?" Jay asked Jake and he just nodded his head.

"Yes.. I totally remember it! It was the car that was parked near the library we just got into." He explained making the other knit his eyebrows.

"We need Heeseung hyung for this." Jay said, rubbing his temples.

"You called?" Heeseung said behind him making Jay and Jake startled while the rest just laughed at them.

"Yes hyung.. we need you to track the plate number Jake saw, where its from, the car, the owner, everything." Heeseung just nodded and walked towards their car.

Meanwhile inside your car was just silence that you can just hear your running breaths from escaping the mess earlier.

"You know, auntie will be very mad at you. At us." Dongpyo said still eyes on the road.

"Dude, I am not a baby anymore and what is our intense training for if we don't use it?" You sighed frustrated.

"I just don't want auntie to be worried. You know she is just like a mom to me and you as my little sister. I don't want her to be worried of us especially to you. She loves you.. totally." You placed your hand to his while he was holding the gear stick and smiled at him.

"I know that and I am thankful for having you and mom.. You know, I think your family would be most happy for you right now." He looked at you once he stopped the car by the red light coming from the traffic light. 

"Me too, sis.." He ruffled your hair and just chuckled when you glared at him.

Jay's Pov:

I am here in my room treating my wounds as my members treating theirs too and still busy finding the owner of the plate number.

'Who are you?' I thought and immediately shook my head.

Its not that hard to not find interest in you right? But just who are you and why did you help us?

I was lost in thoughts simply not hearing that someone was knocking and just barged into my room.

"Yah! I was knocking multiple of times already and you were not answering." Heeseung hyung scolded me while holding his laptop with his bandaged hand.

"Anyways, I've tracked the plate number and I found this." He showed his laptop screen and I looked at it and saw a familiar girl with a boy.

"Isn't this them earlier at the library? and Jake said that car was parked beside the building where we went. The library.." Heeseung just stared at the screen.

"Wait, that's Y/n and the guy earlier at the library!" Jake suddenly said out of nowhere.

"Why am I always getting startled?!" I held my chest and glared at Jake who just looked at me innocently smiling.

"Wait. You know her?" Sunoo and the rest came, casually filling Jay's room.

"I met her in the library earlier with Jay. She was returning books and coincidentally bumped into me while I was searching for more books to read." Jake shrugged and looked at Jay who is already looking at him.

'Its not only you whom she bumped into..' I thought and a small smile formed into my lips while I remembered what happened earlier with her.

"Hyung, why are you suddenly smiling?" Ni-ki said, beside me and I just masked it off with a poker face and shook my head.

"Jay hyung is acting weird since earlier..." Sunoo whispered to Ni-ki but I heard it and just shrugged it off.

"Her full name is Han Y/n, 17 years old, Lived with only her aunt in no one knows where..." Heeseung hyung said and I got confused..

"You can't track her house? or where she lives?" I asked and all of them looked at me.

"What? I just wanted to know why she or the guy she's with helped us." Jungwon looked at me teasingly that I wanted to smack his face.

"So you're interested with her and whom she's with?" He said and laughed when I glared at him and immediately said no.

My cheeks went hot and I just shook it off.

'What's wrong with me?' I thought to myself and just focused on the screen.

"I'll just track her thoroughly so that I can send you her location." Heeseung hyung winked at me.

"YAH!!!" I shouted and they just laughed and left my room for them to rest.

I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling thinking of what just happened...

"I will find you, Y/n. I couldn't say that I am interested with you but you're so mysterious.." I said and sighed.

The members of the Kang's gang are slowly diminishing and slowly I can get back what was mine. 

The money that my parents earned fairly and the justice of their death...

And Y/n can help me..

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