Chapter 4

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Its been a week since that incident happened and that troubled you since the person you met in the library is part of a gang that you happened to help.

Not only Jake but you also saw his friend, the guy you shot in the head calling him, "Park". You couldn't believe that they were chased and wanted to be killed by that man. But why?

You shook your head as you tried to get over with it and started fixing your things to go to Mr. Kim's classroom for your studies. It was 11:00 in the morning and He called to tell you that he can't come into your house because of a sudden meeting but you suggested to go to his classroom instead and wait for him in fact, you have nothing to do and its getting boring inside your house.

Mr. Kim's classroom is at his building near the library so you probably know where it is. You decided to take a walk instead but Dongpyo insisted to drive you there because he told you that it would be dangerous for you.

"It won't be dangerous for me anymore.. and besides, I can go on my own." You smiled at him and he just smiled.

"What am I your bodyguard for, Y/n?" He looked at you pleading to come with you but you shook your head.

"You are doing a great job. But please. let me handle myself just for today. I can take care of myself." You said and waved your hand.

Walking outside your gate, you sighed and looked back to your house.

Its your first time to go out alone though...

Dragging your feet to continue walking, your phone rang indicating Mr. Kim saying he is almost done with his meeting so you ran until you reached the building where his classroom is located.

Reaching the elevator, you bumped into someone wearing a suit and your bag accidentally fell making your books got out of it.

"I'm so sorry sir, I'm in a rush." The man helped you with your books and gave it to you. You thanked him and turned your direction to the elevator again. Once the elevator opened, you suddenly saw Jake and an unknown man next to him.

"Oh, Y/n! what brings you here?" Jake asked shockingly and you explained that you needed to attend some classes with Mr. Kim.

Usually you knew that he won't be knowing him since he is your teacher and he maybe not know him yet.

"How about you?" You asked.

"Oh, we just went to attend some meeting with someone." You nodded at him and bowed telling him that you are getting late and ran inside the elevator, pressing the 7th button.

Heeseung's Pov:

I was walking towards the entrance door when a girl bumped into me making her things fell so I helped her. Her face looks familiar yet I couldn't grasp any information. I suddenly stopped when I heard Jake calling her Y/n. Wait... isn't she the one Jay wanted to track? 

Was she the one who shot Mr. Kang's right hand man? Why is she here? 

I then heard that she has classes with Mr. Kim...

Mr. Kim...?

Back to your pov:

Hearing the small 'ding' the elevator opened revealing a small hallway , just like a school's hallway even though, you didn't go into a real school, but you researched what a school hallways look like .

Reaching the door where it says, "Mr. Kim" You knocked on it and it opened revealing Mr. Kim with his glasses already and ushered you to come inside.

Minutes later, He started the class and you on the other hand, take notes.

It took like an hour and a few minutes since your class started and in a few more minutes, you can call it a day.

Writing the last sentence, you finally lost the grip of your pen and had a little sigh.

"Okay, Ms. Han, class dismissed. And oh, have you done your homework?" He smiled and you nodded.

"Yes sir." You opened your bag and get your paperwork in a binder to compile them and gave it to him.

"Wow! impressive research, Ms. Han! Now you may go." Mr. Kim escorted you to the door and waved you goodbye with his dimpled smile.

"Oh, Y/n! tell Dongpyo that he is the next one to come here for his classes." You just nodded in agreement and went to the elevator again.

Coming out off the building you started walking again then you saw a black suspicious van. You thought that it was just there for some reason so you continued walking.

Ignoring the van, you reached the library and took a turn. You noticed that the same black van is like following you so you fastened your walk and began to run. To your suspicion, the black van is still following you until it came into you and some dudes with black masks took you inside, covering your nose with a handkerchief until you become unconscious. 

After some minutes, you felt like someone was carrying you but the handkerchief's smell is still strong for you to regain your consciousness. The person then placed you on a chair and you didn't know what he did next.

After a while when you already regained your consciousness, you tried to open your eyes just to see that you are in an abandoned warehouse.

You tried to move but your hands were tied at the back of the chair you're sitting at.

Struggling, you heard footsteps coming towards you.

"Ah, I can see that you are already awake.." A man in mid forties said.

"Yeah unless you don't have eyes.." You replied and he laughed.

He reached his hands to your chin and forced you to look at him.

"Don't you dare, talk to me like that. Child!" Something in his voice is a venom, cutting to your core and something familiar you couldn't grasp.

'Child'  What he said remained ringing into your head until you're forcing yourself to shake your head, hurting with just that one word.

Closing your eyes shut, a scene came where in you saw a man holding a gun and shot a woman.

The scene ended when you felt like someone is untying you. You shook your head, clearing your vision and saw the man not with you anymore and some of his bodyguards were knocked out.

You looked at your back and saw a familiar man whom you saw during the incident, finishing untying you, until he saw you looking at him.

"Hi Y/n." He smiled with a hint of playfulness in them.

'Park?' You thought and quickly passed out.

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