Chapter 2

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Finding some books related to your subjects you scanned the bookshelves not focusing on your footsteps until you heard a small grunt from someone.

Realizing that you accidentally stepped on someone's foot, you apologized and the person didn't mind.

You went back to where Dongpyo is finding him reading his favorite book instead of studying.

"Yah! Study!" You whisper-shouted and slapped his hands, making him pout and roll his eyes letting go of the book he was reading.

"Y/n, lets just skip this and go to the amusement park already.." He whined...

"Aishh... Lets finish this first. Amusement park can wait. Aigoo, sometimes I really wonder if you are older than me or its the other way around... " You said  playfully rolling your eyes masking the feeling of you wanting to also skip studying and go straight to the amusement park too.

After for an hour and some minutes of studying, you sighed and Dongpyo did the same but he's looking at you.

"Can we go now?" He asked nonchalantly, making you laugh hard but couldn't since you're inside the library so you just nodded, tired from reading.

 His eyes lightened and quickly closed the book with a small but loud thud making others look at him and signaled him to be quiet.

He immediately apologized and gave a cheeky smile, making you chuckle.

In the corner of your eye, you saw a guy and his friend looking at you and you found it weird.

Shaking your head lightly, you diverted your eyes back to Dongpyo.

He then told you that he will go and start the car so you were left inside, fixing the books.

'Aishh this kid is more excited than me..' You thought while stacking the books on your arms and turned around to their designated shelves.

Reaching the book shelf of the book Dongpyo was reading, someone accidentally bumped you and the books that were stacked on your arms fell on the ground.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. Here let me help you." The guy lifted his head and you immediately recognized him. He was the guy's friend who was looking at you weirdly earlier.

Stacking the books again the guy handed out his hand.

"By the way, I'm Jake. Nice to meet you, Ms..." He smiled, making you return it.

'He's not bad..' You thought and accepted his hand with your free hand.

"My name is Y/n. Nice to meet you, Jake.." His smile faltered for a second and smiled again but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Uh, say.. I need to get going!" You smiled again and rushed to return the books back to their shelves, leaving Jake behind.

"Why does he look familiar?" You murmured and shook your head, placing the last book on the shelf and ran out of the library.

Finding your car, you heard a honk and looked at its direction, until your eyes landed on Dongpyo, waving his hand inside the car at the nearby stopping light.

You scratched your head in annoyance and ran to the car, slipping inside and wore your seatbelt as he stepped on the gas.

"Where you that excited to go to the amusement park?" You said while panting.

"Aren't you?" He looked at you at the front mirror, sticking out his tongue..

This kid...

Driving towards the amusement park the two of you planned on where to go or what rides you will take. 

You chose to ride the rollercoaster first since its your first time to ride it and you could just see Dongpyo's terrified face, making you laugh and tease him.

Walking towards the gate, first you bought tickets for the both of you to enter.

"What was it again? the rollercoaster? Okay, lets gooo!!!" You dragged him to the rollercoaster area not minding his reaction.

You could tell that Dongpyo is already scared because the rollercoaster is damn huge..

"Oh fuck it! lets ride" You squealed and dragged him to sit next to you once its already your line's turn.

"Are you ready?" You smirked at him and he violently shook his head no.

"Mhm.. I know you are" You chuckled..

"No I am not. I swear Y/n I will fucking kill you after this- AHHHHHH!!!!" He stopped mid way when the rollercoaster started going up.

"Aishhh I wanna come down already fuck ittt Y/n lets go do- AAAAHHHHHHH" He screamed when the rollercoaster granted his wish to go down.

"WOHOOOO ISN'T THIS FUN?" You were having the best time of your life while your seatmate screaming for his life.

"FUCK YOU HAN Y/N AND FUCK THIS ROLLERCOASTERRAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" You can't help but laugh at him cursing all the time.

Once the ride is done, you laughed hard when you saw a pale Dongpyo sitting beside you waiting for the staff to unlock his seat, tired from screaming.

He gave you a death glare and mouthed 'you're dead' and you just playfully chuckled.

While walking, Dongpyo stopped you for a minute for him to breathe well and you agreed.

"Hey, I'm very sorry that I forced you to ride the rollercoaster with me. I just got excited." You sincerely apologized to him but he still kept his poker face.

"Uh.. Let me treat you with lots of food?" Once you say that, he quickly grabbed you and dragged you to the nearest food stand just like how you dragged him earlier.

You couldn't help but just chuckle at him and let him drag you. His dragging is not that hard though...

Buying the foods he want, you bought the same order he got since you both love the food.

"So, do you forgive me?" You said while chewing.

He just rolled his eyes playfully, swallowing his food.

"Pabo, I would rather see you happy than being stuck at home training and studying all day. Of course I forgive you. Pabo.." He stuck his tongue at you.

"So you just made me buy these for nothing?! YAH!!" You shouted.

"YAH! I'm older than you. And you didn't buy these for nothing. Look! We are full. Aishh..." He pouted and you just kept your playful face.

'Man's so cute when mad hehe' You thought and chuckled.

After more rides, you decided to go home already knowing that its dark.

Heading to your car, you suddenly heard gunshots from the amusement park and the two of you turned your direction to where its from.

There you saw two unknown groups exchanging gunshots, while one member had been shot by the other.

You were about to get your pistol inside the car but Dongpyo stopped you.

"No. What if your aunt will find out?" You thought for a second but you already saw another member was gotten shot while firing and running.

"Why do you have to do this?" One guy said to the one who shot him.

"I will take all of what's yours Park, just like what I took from the Han's" The guy said making your brows knit and your eyes darken.

Hiding behind your car, you and Dongpyo exchanged glances and tried to help them.

The member of the guy pointed his gun towards the man called "Park" but you saw him and aimed for his head.

and... Shoot.

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