Chapter 7

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Jay's POV:

I think she is very eager to come back home... so I pulled her into my basement wherein there is a hidden door for her to escape. There's this thing inside me that is telling me not to let her go and yet here I am, taking her by the hand, running into the the basement...

'What has gotten into me?' I thought to myself as we stopped in front the door where my hand is already on top of the doorknob, holding it until I find myself twisting it open.

Y/N's POV:

I was lost of words when Jay pulled me to their basement. I thought he would be mad at me but he... he's helping me?

"Go." He said eyes, glaring coldly at you.

"Huh? Really?" You cocked your head, still processing what happened.

"Before I change my mind. Unless, you realized that you can't live without me, princess?" With that, you walked out of the door and mouthed 'bitch', earning a chuckle from him.

You then ran into the busy street until you saw a cab and ran into it until you find yourself back into your house.

"Finally back home" You murmured not until your blood runs cold when you heard what the driver said..

"I finally know where you live... my lovely lost daughter..." With a deep chuckle and a sly smirk.

Your eyes are covered in fear as you reach for the door's handle but it was child-locked. He smirked and took off his cap and you then familiarized that he was the same man who kidnapped you...

"You..."You started but he cut you off.

"Relax... I haven't seen you since ages and yet you're going to run away?"-Your spine run cold as he said that, remembering the venom of his voice.

"I just need one thing from you..."He went back to look at the front then glanced at the  rear mirror.

"Work with me... you are your aunt's good girl aren't you? why wont you  be a good girl to your daddy?" His smirk grew

"NO!! I WILL NEVER WORK WITH YOU! YOU ARE NOT MY FATHER"-You shouted with tears in your eyes and he just laughed

"Oh sweetie, wanna be like your mom?" he then pulled out his gun and aimed it at your head before you have gotten yours.

"You would not do that if I were you Y/n..." He finally said with a serious voice.

Jay's POV: 

'I cant  just let her go... she needs to help me find who killed my parents' 

"Where's Y/n?" Heeseung asked and I just ran to my car and drove off hoping that I could still follow the cab that she had ridden.

"Perfect" I catched up and followed their direction. 

They have stopped at a huge mansion where in there are no bodyguards?

'This is not right...' I thought.

Minutes later she went out of the cab crying. Why??? 

I then parked near a huge tree where in my car is hidden and I secretly went in to see.

The driver also went out of the cab and went inside with her- wait... HE WAS THE ONE WHO KIDNAPPED Y/N!!!

I immediately called the rest and sent them the location of her house.

Back to Y/n's POV:

"Ohhh... this house didn't age at all" The man who claims to be your father said as he scanned the house.

"Auntie??? shit! where is my aunt?!" You ran nervously and he just laughed.

"Oh, child... you have no one. Bullet, bring escort her to her aunt"-A big bulky man went out of the door from the backyard and yanked your arm.

Your eyes widened in horror as you saw your aunt covered in blood, with ropes tying her around a chair, her hair is messy with her head hung low and her clothes are ragged from beating. 

"WHAT DID YOU  DO TO MY AUNT?!" You shouted furiously, eager to attack him but Bullet guy held you tight.

"That's what she gets for not obeying me." he lifted your chin and you can see the fire in his eyes, madly enraged with darkness.

"What did we ever do to you?" you finally asked and he chuckled surprised.

"I am your father. They took you from me! You, your mother, and I could make a great mafia family you know?" You looked at him

'mafia? no wonder why aunt has been training me since little!' you thought.

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