Chapter 9

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Y/n's POV

"Guess your friend here already knows what were up to.." Your dad said and held Jay as he squirm out of his hold.

"Y-Y/n, what has gotten into you? I-... I thought you weren't like them?!" There you saw the betrayal in his eyes and he went shocked when you pointed your gun at him, making your dad smirk.

"I dont know who you are..." You kept your cool as you clicked your gun.

"YOU TRAITOR!" He screamed yet earned a punch in a stomach by Bullet. 'Im so sorry' you thought as tears are forming at the back of your eyes.

"Let me take care of this pest sweetheart. I know where to take him" Your dad said and you just nodded coldly, ignoring Jay's whimpers as your dad's men continuously took punches at him.

Hearing the cab's engine you hurriedly untied your aunt and she quickly obliged your actions.

"I know what you're doing.." She breathly said and you just nodded.

Just in time, you saw Heeseung, and the rest except for Sunoo, running inside your mansion with a horrified expression.

"They captured Jay!" Heeseung breethed.

"I know, that's why I need you to track my dad's abandoned workshop. That's the only safe place that he could hide." You said as your phone got a notification wherein it tracks the location where the cab has been located.


"Before you take public transporations especially getting a cab, quickly stick this chip where the driver would never see." Dongpyo said as he slides the chip in your hand.

End of flashback

You hurriedly gave Heeseung your phone and he started to connect it to his laptop, hacking its software until the tracking system was trasferred to his smartwatch.

He then gave it back to you with a nod.

"Seems like you applied what you've been taught" Your eyes teared up when you saw Dongpyo with Sunoo on his side and ran to hug him.

"Oppa!!! Where have you been? How are you? What happened?!" He shushed you but covering your mouth.

"Aishhhh I just got here then this is what I get? Really?" He playfully rolled his eyes and you smacked his arm.

"I was just worried of course I would bombard you with questions dummy" You replied. Remembering your situation, you realized that you have less time into saving Jay.

"Shit! We need more weapons.." You mumbled and Dongpyo ran to the basement which you all followed, revealing a room full of unused guns, pistols and other weapons.

"Woah... So this is where my gun is placed.." You said breathly as you saw a briefcase wherein your name has been engraved in it. You opened it and saw the perfectly cut figure of the foam wherein your gun fits.

There you also saw a rare colored bullet which got you confused.

"Ahhh... That is a special bullet wherein if you fire that thing into your most wanted target, it will explode. Just make sure you don't miss" There you heard a familiar voice behind you.

You turned around and saw Namjoon standing there, examining a weapon with Sunoo.

"Mr. Kim!!!!" You shockingly said.

"Wait..." You puzzingly said and looked Sunno and Mr. Kim together.

"Are you two related?" Sunoo chuckled

"He's my uncle" Your eyes widened

"COOL!!!" They all shared a chuckle.

"Fuck! We dont have much time. Dohwan is almost at his location!" Heeseung said panickingly as he gathered his weapon.

You all gathered your weapons and went out of the basement.

"I know how to get there fast." Mr. Kim said and you all followed him.

'I'm coming, Jay.'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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