Chapter 5

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Groaning, you opened your eyes finding yourself lying on a soft mattress. 

"Where the fuck am I?" You mumbled and scanned the room you're in.

As you scanned the room, you couldn't help but to feel shocked when you realized that the room is from a man yet amazed when you see that the room itself is properly cleaned.

Finding back your senses, you recalled what happened earlier...

"Its good to see you awake already, Y/n." A guy suddenly went into the room you're in with a tray of warm tea and offered it to you.

You just stared at it, debating if you will take it or not but chose not to.

The guy sighed and placed it on the table beside the bed and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Don't remember me? I was the guy whom you accidentally bumped earlier.." You squinted your eyes, and remembered him.

"Oh, yeah.. sorry about that sir." You said, and he just chuckled.

"Heeseung. I'm Jay's friend.. mostly a brother." You tilted your head in confusion hearing an unfamiliar name.

"I guess your conversation convinced me that you're already awake, Y/n.." Another guy, went inside the room and when you saw the face, you remembered the guy named "Park" who untied you earlier.

"P-park?" He just chuckled and Heeseung just smiled and tapped his shoulder signaling him that he's dismissing himself for you to talk.

"Your tea, please drink it before it gets cold. Don't worry, there is no poison in that drink especially for a girl like you.." He winked and got out. 

The "Park" guy cleared his voice and started talking.

"Ah, yes.. I haven't introduced myself. I am Park Jay, leader of the Park's ENgene gang." He gave you a smile but didn't reached his eyes.

Like with no emotion...

"Okay, nice meeting you I guess.. uh, Jay" You returned the half smile and he just chuckled.

Finding your feet on the floor, you tried to stand up but Jay quickly pulled you and pinned you on his bed headboard.

"Nah uh.. you're not going just yet, Y/n.." He gave you a small smirk, sending chills on your spine.

"What do you want from me?" You asked in a serious tone, giving him a glare while masking the nervous feeling rising inside you.

"Nah, isn't that a rude way of saying a simple 'thank you' for saving your ass earlier?" He raised his eyebrow playfully making you smirk.

Seeing your reaction he looked at your lips, then back to your eyes and got shocked when you wrapped your legs into his waist, rolling yourself over the bed so that your position is already on top of him, trapping him using your arms.

"I don't need to thank you for earlier. In fact, I didn't need your help." You mocked him by raising your eyebrow and gave him a small playful smirk.

Frozen, he didn't notice you getting up from him and heading out to the door but also got up catching up to you.

You already got the knob and ready to turn it but the door swings open, revealing Jake, sipping midway his drink.

He nearly choked on his drink seeing you and Jay together inside his room.

"Am I missing something? Do I have to leave?" He is about to turn his back at you but you took the opportunity to run to the hallway, leaving the two of them together.

"Yah! you can't just run like that, girlie!" Jay shouted and was about to follow you but Jake stopped him.

"What the actual fuck bro?" That time, Jake can't handle it anymore and accidentally spat his drink on Jay's face and laughed while choking.

After for almost 10 seconds, he looked at Jay, frozen on his spot, looking at Jake nonchalantly as if he is ready to dig up his grave and bury Jake alive.

"I'll give you 3 seconds to run, brother." He started counting leaving Jake blinking in surprise and when it almost comes into a 3, Jake ran to the hallway, sprinting until Jay can't catch him anymore.

"YAH! I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!" He screamed and ran to catch him...

You on the other hand, you're almost reaching the front door but someone blocked you.

You easily, punched the guy on his stomach and kicked the other guy on his chest, making them stumble in pain, and reached for the door but its locked.

You figured out that its not an ordinary door. Its like the lock on your house but you guess its different based on how the lock was installed.

You suddenly heard faint laughing behind you so you turned your head and saw 2 more men walking towards you, the one guy who laughed shook his head.

"Guess you're really locked up here sweetie.." He towered you while your back is already flattened on the door.

"Dang, hyung.. she is very strong.." The guy you punched said, caressing his stomach while helping the one you kicked get back up from the floor.

The other guy groaned but managed to stand up and gave you a death glare for a second then turned smiling getting stunned at your action.

"I can tell she's well trained too..." He smirked.

"Sunoo, can take care of the two of you.." The guy towering you said making Sunoo knit his eyebrows in disgust.

"Aish... Sunghoon hyung! Come on Jungwon and Ni-ki..." He simply rolled his eyes, at him making Sunghoon  chuckle at his behavior.

The two of you then saw Jake panting obviously from running and hid behind the confused Sunghoon while you saw an angry soaked Jay marching his way to Jake the moment he saw him hiding behind Sunghoon's back. 

"Yo, bro.. what happened?" Sunghoon nervously asked and Jay continued walking.

"Heeseung hyung, would you please keep an eye on Y/n for a sec? I need to finish something..." He said and out of nowhere, Heeseung ushered you to sit to the couch next to him, curious of what will they do next.

'And I am with a bunch of kids...' You thought..

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