Tue, 14th September 2021

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The first period was German conversation. We listened to a song and tried to translate the lyrics from German to Czech.
„Can we listen to it again?" Felix asked our teacher, Mr. Schmidt.
„Sure, I'm glad you like it."
„He doesn't know what I'm about to do," Felix whispered to Robin and Kyle.
When Mr. Schmidt clicked on the replay button, Felix grabbed his water bottle, jumped on the desk in front of him and started singing along. He sounded like a broken car engine. He also tried to dance, but that didn't end well. He lost balance, flipped the desk over and fell to the ground. But Felix was okay and shrugged it off. He put the bottle closer to his face, as if it was a microphone, and said: „That was a part of my plan to make you laugh!"

The next period was physics. Our teacher, Mr. Scott, told us last lesson (which was last week also on a Tuesday) to choose a topic for a physics-related presentation.
„I'll read your names and you'll tell me which topic you chose. I'll start with Brad."
„What topic? What presentation?" Brad asked him, clearly confused. But I was pretty sure it was one of his jokes again, he's a good actor.
Mr. Scott sighed.
„I told you all last week I want you to do a presentation about a topic of your choice. I'll give you time to think of a topic until next lesson, alright?"
„Yes, I totally understand what you're saying, king," Brad joked. I seriously don't know how does he never gets tired of making fun of everything. Like I love to make jokes, too, but even I would eventually run out of them. Brad just doesn't.
Mr. Scott asked a few other kids. Some of them didn't know what topic they would like to make a presentation about, some of them knew exactly what they want. I don't remember everyone's topics but I'm certain that Bianca chose the Moon, Kyle will speak about nuclear weapons, another boy, Adam, will make a presentation about the Theory of relativity and Ian said he'll do gravity.
„What did you choose, Preston?" Mr. Scott asked him.
„Uhh, nothing."
„That doesn't surprise me, you know?" he looked at him, disappointed.
Then he focused on me.
„So, do you know, what you want to do, Val?"
„Could I please talk about the Schrödinger's cat?"
„The Schrödinger's cat." I assured him he heard that right.
„I don't know what it is."
A physics teacher doesn't know what is the Schrödinger's cat? Okay.
„Did you hear that?" Bianca asked me.
„I wish I didn't. How come I know about it and he, a literal physics teacher, doesn't?"
„Exactly. I think it's funny and sad that the same time."
„Yeah. I'll ask him after the end of this lesson, just to make sure he really didn't hear me right or was just kidding. I can't believe he doesn't know what the Schrödinger's cat means!"
„To be honest, maybe he knows that it exists, but just doesn't understand how the experiment works, and he's mad that you understand it, so he doesn't want you to talk about it because you're clearly smarter," Bianca joked.
„Haha. This is so embarrassing for him!"
„I know, right," she agreed with me.
We spent the rest of the lesson talking about other possible topics for the presentations.
When the bell rang, I went to the Mr. Scott's desk and asked him, as kindly as possible, again:
„So could I, please, do the Schrödinger's cat?"
„Could you, please, tell me what that is?"
He looked serious. I almost burst out laughing.
„Well, it's a quantum mechanics though experiment. It's a paradox of quantum superposition." (I memorized this from the main Wikipedia page, haha.)
Mr. Scott looked like he was thinking about the whole thing, and that he could possibly change his mind about it, but then he said:
„I told you it has to be physics related."
„But it is —"
„No. I'll choose a topic for you myself. I think it will be easier that way. I will tell you next lesson. Just forget about the cat thing and focus on what I'll give you next week."
„What about Max Planck —"
„That's not even physics. I said I'll choose something for you, I don't know what, yet, but I'll definitely tell you next week. Just be patient and stop trying to come up with some nonsense."
I was about to ask him if he knows what teleportation is but Bianca dragged me out of the crowded classroom.
„Total chaos," I told her.
„Agreed. Did he just tell you that Max Planck wasn't a physicist?"
„Yeah. He was a theoretical physicist, and that's totally related to physics. I hope he won't give me some boring topic."
„Yeah. Or you could do a presentation about a planet from our Solar system. I think he said he'll be okay with planets."
„I know, but since it's me, I'm sure he'll tell me it's not related to physics."
„And that he'll choose something better himself, blah blah." Bianca added.

I went to the school psychologist's office during the break between the physics and math lesson. We did IQ tests last year, and she'll give us the results this week. I chose to have the appointment with her now, so I wouldn't miss a lesson. She'll also give us a high school/gymnasium and job recommendation as well, based on our intellect and interests, which we mentioned in the tests. She told me that I'm a good candidate for jobs such as a psychologist, biologist and physicist. She said that there are many other jobs she'd recommend but she thinks these are the best match for me. I agree with her. I have many interests, and psychology, biology etc is one of them. I'm glad she told me I'm 'born' to do these jobs, it really made my day :)

The next period was math. Our teacher, Mrs. King, was in a slightly better mood than what's usual. We practiced solving equations during the whole lesson. As I've already mentioned, I love math, so it wasn't a problem for me to solve these equations :) I helped a few classmates with some equations they couldn't solve. I'm happy to help, especially in school, because I feel like a real teacher, haha 😅

And the next period was German. We did some listening exercises and we also practiced reading in German. The lesson was quite normal, even Felix nor Robert didn't do anything funny, so I'll keep this short :)

We had chicken and potatoes for lunch. Health education was next.
We worked in groups in this lesson.
„Each group will get a family-related topic, and your task is to write a little presentation," our teacher, Mrs. Collins, told us.
I was in a group with Madison, a girl I don't think I've mentioned until now —> Amanda and Robin.
Our topic was 'how to be a good parent?'.
„That's simple. Let's write a few sentences and it will be good," Robin said.
„How about 'parents should teach their kids good manners, play with them and care about their well-being?" Madison and I tried to help him.
Andrea completely ignored us all and played something on her phone. Sigh.
„Good idea," Robin agreed with us.
Mrs. Collins asked us to read what we wrote.
Robin read our ideas.
„Good job! Now another group. How about your group, Brad?"
„What?" he asked.
„Read what you wrote."
„I don't know how to read!" he informed Mrs. Collins. Then he started swinging on his chair and fell. That's when I noticed he was sitting at the desk Bianca and I usually sit at. And the chair he sat on (and fell of) was actually mine. Cool.
„I'm sorry, Mrs. Collins," he apologized.
He read his group's work. Their topic was 'differences between families in 20th and 20st century".
Then the other groups read their presentations.
„I'm happy with your work today. I'll give you all an A!" Mrs. Collins happily rewarded us. I'm glad we made her happy. It shows that she's proud of her work as a teacher.

And the last lesson of today was computer graphics. We entered the empty computer classroom. Our teacher, Mr. Taylor, didn't arrive after five minutes. Another five minutes passed and he still didn't come.
„Did he forget about us?" I tried making a joke. Others laughed.
„I hope so," Brad answered my kind of funny question.
„Yeah, we have the computers just for ourselves! We can play online soccer or something," Robert added.
„Let's hope he won't come and we'll get a free lesson," Felix joined the conversation.
Bianca and I spent the next twenty-five minutes looking at some memes on Reddit. Then we decided to check the schedule.
„What if we were supposed to be in a different classroom?" Bianca asked me.
„But then this one wouldn't be open," I told her.
„True. Look—"
Another teacher, Mrs. Lawrence, was supposed to teach us today instead of Mr. Taylor.
We came back to the classroom and told everyone about it.
„Well, we have five minutes left, I don't think she'll come—" Felix said.
But then the door opened. Mrs. Lawrence entered the classroom.
„I totally forgot about you! Sorry."
„That's alright," Felix comforted her, „we don't mind playing games instead of learning!"
„And I'm sure you also don't mind having a free lesson instead of teaching," Brad added.

I guess that's all I'd like to write for today. I'll make another update tomorrow! I'm excited :)

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