Chapter 11

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Iris's P.O.V.

I walked deeper into the woods following the traces of blood. That is the only thing that can lead me to Eveyln. This is so weird. My eyes widen as I saw a big pool of blood right in front of me. Oh god. What's happening to Evelyn? Is she okay? I looked down to the ground ans saw footsteps walking down a trail. Who took Evelyn? I'm pretty sure I'm far away from the rest.

"Help..." A quiet voice said to my left. Oh god. It sounds like it is in pain. Wait... Evie!

"Evelyn?" I asked. Please let it be her. I need to find her as soon as I can and take care of her.

"Iris..." I ran to where I heard the voice. My eyes widen at the sight in front of me. Evelyn was full of blood. She was holding her stomach. Fucken shit! She is hurt! I ran up to her. My poor Evie.

"Evie? What happened?" I looked at her stomach. She was stabbed. Who the fuck did this? What the fuck do I do? Shit. Potatoes!


'Iris? Where are you?'

'I found Evelyn. Deep in the woods! Hurry your fucken ass up!'


"You-you have-have to-to leave. They are a-after y-you." Evelyn stuttered spitting some blood.

"Who Evie?" When I find out who did this they are going to pay! Fuck where are these boys? This is all Michael's fault for not taking care of her because he was too busy checking Sabrina. Ugh! Just waint until this is all over and I'll give him a piece of my mind and he will regret not taking care of Evelyn. Before she could answer a deep voice answered for her for her.

"Us sweet heart." Who the fuck is this dude?

"And you are?" These dudes are kinda hot. Oops? Didn't say anything.

"Jason and Jacob."

"Double J's! Ha!" I dont think this is the right time to make jokes Iris. Meh. There is always time for jokes.

"Sweet heart. Come with us. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. It's your pick. But if I was you I would choose the easy way because in the hard way you will get hurt."

"One quick question before I choose were you the ones who hurt Evie?" I need to know. I have to fix this for Evie,

"Yes." Oh fuck no! Nobody can hurt Evie without getting hurt back. I glared at them. Nobody fucks with my friends.

"Oh boys. Here is where you made a mistake. Nobody can hurt the people I care about without getting hurt in return." They gasped for air. I heard commotion in the back but I somehow knew it was the rest of my crew.

"Iris! Stop! You're going to kill them." Niall exclaimed.

"No! Not until they feel the pain Evie is feeling!"

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked. Why are they idiots?

"Look beside me idiots!"

"Evelyn!" Michael exclaimed in shock holding his stomach in pain but didn't pass out like last time. This angered me. I looked away from the double J's and ran towards Evie before Michael could rech her.

"Dont you dare get the fuck near her!"

"You cant keep me away from my mate Iris!" Hell yea I can, and I will.

"This is all your fault!"

"How the fuck is it my fault!"

"Iris this isn't anybody's fault!" Ashton exclaimed. I heard a chorus of yea's.

"If her hadn't been checking Sabrina out he could have taken care of Evie and this wouldn't have happened!" Everybody got quiet knowing that I was speaking the truth except Michael had to open his big ass mouth.

"I wasnt checking her out!" How dare he lie to me!

"Bull fucken shit! Don't you fucken dare lie to me Gordon! You are suck a fucktard! I have eyes! I'm not fucken stupid!" Everybody looked at me with wide eyes in surprisement because I may say alot of bad words but fucktard isn't one of them.

"I'm not a fucktard!" It is taking all my will to not give him pain right here.

"Only a fucktard would be checking out other girls out when he has an amazing girl right next to him!" I'm pretty sure my face was red from the anger. My fist wre balled up next to me.

"But I wasnt checking Sabrina out!" I ignored his comment and turned my attention back to Evie who looked really pained. My poor Evie.

"I'm going to pick you up okay Evie." She nodded slowly. I picked her up carefully but it still hurt her.

"I can take her back home." Christian said trying to take Evie out of my arms.

"Dont. I got this. And by the way, Evie is staying with me for now on." I dashed back to the house and quickly carried her to my room. I carefully placed her on ly bed but she hissed in pain. Oh Evie. I'm going to kill thse bastards who hurt you.

'You aren't killing anyone.' Of course daddy direction had to hear my thoughts.

'Not right now Liam. I'm not in the best mood as you can see.'

'They didn't mean it.'

'Doesn't mean I won't torture them.'

'We locked them in the basement.'

'Even better.'

'Shit! Shouldn't have opened my mouth!" I ignored Liam and turned my attention to Evelyn. She was barely holding on. I placed my hand above Evie's wound. In my mind I thought about healing Evie. I felt a burning sensation inder my hand. I looked down to see her wound closing up slowly but surely. Yes! It's working! I looked down at Evie's face and saw she looked more relaxed. Once the wound closed, I got a rag and cleaned all the blood off of Evie. She's okay. I'm so going to get revenge. THe double J's have to par for hurting Evie. I left Evie asleep and walked down the stairs. Time to take care of some business.


Hello my Pringles! Sorry about taking for ever with the update but I have been doing this assignment about creating a book about this book. It was stupid and I'm going to fail that class. Meh. I love you!

Christian is played by Josh Hutcherson

Sabrina is played by Lauren Cimorelli

Ed is played by Ed Sheeran

Jacob is played by Robert Pattison

Jason is played by Ian Somerhalder

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