Chapter 33

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Iris's P.O.V.

I was still chasing Harry. I'll give him credit, this fucker can run pretty fast. Yet, I know that I will catch up to him and punish him for calling me short. Giving him a punishment sounds so kinky. I'm so dirty minded I swear. It's a wonder how we haven't gotten tried from all this running.

"My money is on Iris!" I heard Cailin bet. I smirked at this. It's nice to have a cousin that would choose you over their mate.

"Geez. Thanks babe. Now I know that you love me. I can totally feel the love." Harry sassed while still running away from me.

Wait... I can freeze this fucker! Why didn't I think of this sooner. I swear I'm such a dumbass. I raised my hand and froze him. I turned around to see Niall laughing his ass off and Cailin actually collecting money from the rest. She actually betted on me. I feel so special.

"And this is why I was on Iris's side. Did you forget she has a shit load of powers?" I smiled at this as I walked up to Harry and stood in front of him. I put my hand down and smirked at him. He sighed and looked completely defeated.

"Okay. Go ahead." He sighed and I tackled him to the floor. We landed pretty hard. I mean I'm alright it was Harry that took the hit.

"Am I shorter now Curly?"

"Well considering I am on the floor and you are on top of me now, but if I were to stand up you would be a dwarf." I gasped and started to tickle him. He started cracking up really bad. I laughed along with him. His laugh is just so funny.

"Take it all back Harold!"

"Stop! Stop! I'm going to pee myself if you don't stop and that will be very embarrassing!" I was still tickling him though.

"Take back what you said Curly or I'll never stop and you'll pee yourself in front of your mate and all of your friends." I was still laughing with him Tears where rolling down his face while he laughed silently. I could hear everybody laughing along with us. This is so fun.

"I-I take it b-back!" I stopped and looked at him smirking.

"Do you mean it Harold because if you don't the tickle monster will come back to get you." Harry was trying to compose himself while rolling his eyes at me.

"Yes I do. Now please be kind enough and get off of me." I got off of him.

"Then my work here is done." I help him get up and we bickered all the way back to where everybody was at. I jumped on Niall's back and smiled at everybody. Harry was glaring at me while standing next to Cailin. Niall just took a hold of the back of my thighs. He didn't seem affected by me jumping on his back without warning.

'Litzy get on Lou's back.'

'Should I give him a warning?'

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