Chapter 36

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Iris's P.O.V.

"He what?!" I can't believe he would do that! No wait. He is capable of doing something this sick. He did turn Skylyn after all and then killed her. He also turned Maddison and Vicky, but the fact that he turned all of my close friends is fucked up. That just crosses the line. He is such an asshole.

"He turned all of your close friends from San Francisco." Vanessa repeated herself.

"Exactly who Vanessa?" I am seriously beyond pissed.

"Babe. Your eyes are turning violet again. Calm down." Niall informed me. I looked at him and calmed down just a bit. 

"I asked you who Vanessa. Tell me now." Vanessa gave me an uneasy look.

"Uh... Umm..." She's not going to tell me. I know.

'Don't tell her Vanessa. It'll just make her even more angry.' Liam told Vanessa mentally. I knew it. They won't let Vanessa tell me. I shook my head.

"Okay. If you're not going to tell me I'll just go to Isaac's and find out myself." Ed gave me a warning look.

"You don't have to. He's here." Danielle said pointing towards my left. I turned around and saw Isaac and Travis in front of their group. I turned around and started to walk up to him. Niall was by my side the whole time so I knew that the rest had followed me also.

"You son of a bitch! Why did you have bring my friends into this fight? This was between you and me. Not them. You are such a fucker. You just don't know how to lose huh!" Isaac smirked

"I brought them into this because I thought it would be more fun seeing you fight with your friends. And no baby. I don't know how to lose because I have never lost before and I never will."

"You are an asshole. You should learn how to lose because you are going to lose when we beat your ass on the fight. Now where are my friends." Isaac snapped his fingers and thirteen figures came forward. They all stood in front of me with glares on their faces. Oh great! They hate me. I forgot. I looked at them closely hoping that they will stop glaring at me like if I am their worst enemy. I know that they can't hate that much. They've known me my whole life.

"Whore." Vicky said. Who they fuck does this bitch think she is?

'Niall help me or so I will give this bitch pain because she just called me a whore when she knows me more than anybody else and knows that I have never been a whore.' Niall was about to say something but Megan won him to it. Uh-oh. This isn't going to end really well.

"Listen here bitch. You don't talk to my family like that because I will hurt you or might even kill you." Megan gave her a mean glare.

"And if I don't listen what are you going to do? Give me pain?"

"We are going to fuck you and your little friends up." Evie butted in. Fuck. This isn't going to end well is it?

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