Chapter 20

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Iris's P.O.V.

We have been sitting in the living room for about 3 hours just watching movies. Probably just like about 3 movies in total. We have watched Insidious, Grease (Louis's made us watch it not that I'm complaining because that is my favorite movie too. I swear me and Louis are so alike it is creepy. He could be a long lost brother or something.) I didn't know this was a huge sleepover. If i would have known I would have brought the stuff animals that the boys bought me and all my One Direction blanket. I thought we were going to start preparing or training. I don't really know shit about vampire fighting. Is it like human fighting except you have powers when you are a vampire? Is it like what I have been doing everytime I get in a fight with a vampire? I go all shit balls when I get in a fight.

'Ugh! I'm so bored! There is nothing entertaining to do around here with these people. I want to do something fun but dangerous at the same time. Like we should train or something! I just want to do something active for once since I have been here it has been anything but fun!' Megan was thinking clearly bored out of her mind. Don't worry Megs! I'll make it fun just because I am bored too. I'm with you in the boredness.

"Alright you filthy sluts! Let's start with the training or what ever we were going to do in the beginning when the lads came back home." I shouted startling them and catching their attention. They glared at me with a look that said that they were seriously wondering why they were friends with me or why they loved me (that look was mainly on Niall and Cailin).

"I ain't no fithly slut! You do you think you are talking to." Louis protested glaring at me and giving me a sassy look at the same time. Oh does he really think I will not sass him back.

"Alright. Can somebody calm her hormones down? All the filthy sluts and the dirty hoe." Louis glared at me. I smiled widely at him. He rolled his eyes at me and turned his attention towards Litzy. Oh. Okay then. I have been replaced by a woman that he doesn't even know/ Liam shook his head at me. Meh. I'm used to it anyways. We all got up and together all of us walked to the back door and into the backyard. There was nobody there to attack us this time. It was quite big. It will b very useful.

"Get into pairs and train each other!" Ashton yelled and quickly went to Gemma's side before anybody could win him.

"Iris!" Perrie quickly called and ran up to me. She hooked her hand with mine.

"No! I wanted to be with her! We should be paired with mates!" Nialler protested and pouted like a baby. Aww! He looks so cute!

"Sorry babe. Perrie won. Maybe next time." I told him and pecked his pouty lips. I felt I was being watched so I quickly turned around and saw nothing. I squinted and saw two figures hiding in the bushes. Weird thing is that I don't have a bad feeling about them so I let them be.

'Liam. Ed.' I need to tell them about the figures.

'What?' They both asked in sync. Seriously? Still fucking creepy.

'We have company.'

'Good or bad?' Liam asked. He knows about my feelings. I mean that he knows I have feelings about the people that we first meet or attack us. I can feel if they are a threat or not.

'Good.' They both nodded at me.

"Let's get to training then!" Harry exclaimed clapping his hands like a retarded seal. I directed Perrie kind of close to the figures that were still hiding in the bushes.

"Tell me everything that has happened to you." She said eagerly.

"Me?" Why only about me? Why not about the others? How come she didn't ask about Zayn? Something isn't right. I feel something bad about this.

"Yea. You. Zayn and Liam updated me with everything else that happened." She is lying. I can feel it. I'll just go with it.

"Well I have 4 powers so far. I can freeze people or time, I can give or heal pain, I can read minds, and I can feel and control feelings." Perrie just looked at me in shock. She nodded clearly impressed. She looks suspicious. I don't like this.

"Wow. I'm impressed. Now let's start training." She threw a punch at me unexpectedly and hit me directly in my cheek. I cupped it for a second and quickly responded back. I threw a punch at her and hit her directly at her nose. We aren't suppose to actually hit each other but she started it and I ain't gunna let myself be hit. Everybody else stopped what ever they were doing and looked at us surprised clearly shocked that we were throwing real punches at each other. I looked into "Perrie's" eyes and saw that they were actually brown. Shit! This isn't Pez! Pez has blue green eyes! I knew that something wasn't right. Who the fuck is this? Shit! One of Isaac's workers. Where the bloody hell is Pez? What happened to her? Is she alright? I kicked this person's stomach sending them to the ground. Everybody gasped. They still think that this is Perrie. I got on tip of this person and choked them. I won't kill who ever this is. That's for sure. I ain't a murderer.

"Iris! Get the fuck off my girlfriend! What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" Zayn angrily shouted at me.

"This isn't Pez! You fucking dumbass! Do you think I would choke Perrie?" I kept on choking who ever this person fucking is.

"Who do you know?" Christian and Harry asked in sync. Why do the boys always do this? It is so creepy.

"This bitch's eyes are brown not bluish-greenish like Pez!" Zayn quickly ran towards me and looked at the person's eyes. He knows I'm right. I'm always right. Not to sound cocky or anything but it is true.

"Who the fuck are you and what have you done to my girlfriend?" Zayn pushed me off of the mysterious person and took my spot. Can't you just ask nicely? I have a bad feeling about this and I don't like it one bit. Isaac has to be behind this. He knows what I would do for these people.

"I-Isaac k-kidnapped her. H-he will only g-give her back if I-iris g-goes w-with him." The person stuttered. They turned back to their original shape which was a girl. It was a girl with ling wavy hair. She is very pretty.

"Wasn't this fucker going to let her choose by herself? Does he always have to pressure her?" Nialler yelled and punched a tree causing it to fall. Whoa. He is mad. The figures that were hiding behind the bushes finally came out of their hiding place. It was a boy and a girl. They startled everybody except me.

"I can help. I'm a shape shifter." The boy with light brown hair said. He is cute but looks younger that all of us.

"I can help also. I can hypnotize." The girl with burgundy hair said. I have a feeling they are close in some form of way but I don't know which one. I nodded my head knowing that I can trust them with helping me save Pez. I hope the rest will trust them too.

"What's the plan?"


Hello my Pringles! Haven't updated in a while but I was preoccupied. Hope you like the chapter! Love you! Thank you for almost 1,000 reads here and almost 14K reads in Whose Mate? I really appreciate it! Bye loves!

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