Chapter 25

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Iris's P.O.V.

I woke up to an arm around my waist. I was cuddled up against somebody's front. Nialler is getting cuddly. I like it.  I turned around thinking it was Niall to see Skylyn hugging me asleep. What the fuck? This is beyond creepy! Didn't her parents ever tell her to not sneak in a person? They should've! I let out a scream and she woke up. She was looking at me with wide eyes.

"Hey! I told you I changed. Don't scream anymore. You're more important to me than a guy I just met. Well more like kidnapped me but yea." Niall burst inside my room with a bat. What the fuck? Where did he get that? I want a bat! He was about to swing at Skylyn and as much as I would like to see what would happen, I stood in front of him preventing him from hitting her.

"Whoa. Babe. This is Skylyn. Skylyn meet my mate Niall." Niall put his arms down.

'Babe. This is Skylyn?'

'How did you do that? I thought you couldn't read minds?'

'It's a mate thing. It's sort of a connection we have.'

'Holy shit balls! That's cool!'

'Yea. Let's go back to Skylyn.'

'Yea. Okay.'

'I love you babe.'

'I love you too Nialler.'

"Oh. This is Skylyn... I'm sorry I was about to hit you with the bat. That's not what gentlemen do. Sorry." Niall threw the bat down at the floor with a lot of force. That will sure leave a dent. And it's in my room. Oh. I always have good luck. Note my sarcasm.

"Yea. You were about to take her head off of her body. Good thing is that I know people who will help us hide the body in the woods or the ocean." Niall looked at me with wide eyes and Skylyn looked offended at my comment. Oops? I shouldn't have said that... I think. I'm guessing.

"Hi. I'm a huge fan." Skylyn stood up and extended her hand. Of course she would say that. I tried not to roll my eyes. I didn't know she blew air for people to be fresh and not hot. Niall took it and pulled her into a hug. He gave me a look over her shoulder. Skylyn was surprised and let out a oomph. Why does Niall have to be so nice?

The rest of my peeps came into the room and look at the scene clearly surprised that somebody they didn't know was in the room. Cailin raised her eyebrows at Skylyn. One thing I should clear up. Skylyn and Cailin hated each other.

"So you're not dead." Skylyn said at Cailin with a sassy tone. Cailin looked at Skylyn with no emotion. Crap...

"Being a vampire means you are dead. Fucking dumbass." Cailin rolled her eyes. Harry hugged Cailin from behind in hope that it would calm her down. Oh shiet. There is another problem... Harry is Skylyn's favorite from the band.

"And you're still a bitch. Iris? You and your family never change huh?" She sassed. Who the fuck does she think she is to talk to my family like that?

"If you don't like it you can leave. The doors are wide open. We don't have time to put up with your ass." Evelyn replied. Damn... Evie really has it in her. Skylyn gasped.

"Iris. Are you going to let them treat me like that?" What? She thinks I'm going to choose her over them. No way Jose. I'm with them...

"Yea. They are my family now." My peeps smiled at me.

"Really? What about being best friends since like forever?" Is she really going to pull that card? That's just low.

"That was in the past. This is a new world where we are vampires. Forget the past. Live the present. They are my family now and noting is going to change that." I stood next to Niall ad Cailin.

"Oh really? What about your mom? Joshua? The girls? Patrick? Do they mean anything to you? Are you letting them go as well?" She did not just say that! Who the fuck does she think she is?

"They think I'm dead! Which I am! They didn't look for me that much! Do you think I'm an idiot?! I know you guys gave up! You guys have always given up quickly. You guys didn't even try! Yes they mean the world to me but I can't go back! I can't change the past and even if I could I wouldn't because I was reunited with Cailin and I found the perfect boyfriend and family! Yea! It's a little broken but that is perfectly fine with me! They mean the world to me too! If you can't accept that just leave! Go back to Isaac! I was perfectly fine without you!"

I held back the tears that were threatening to spill. I can't show weakness. I was breathing heavily again. Niall was rubbing my back in a comforting way. It was kind of helping. Cailin was rubbing my arm trying to calm me down in a sort of way.

"So that's it? Nineteen almost twenty years of friendship down the drill just because of a simple change?"

"Simple change? It changed everything but yea. I think so." I bit my lip.

I saw Anahi looking at me with completely worry filling her eyes. She came up towards me and pushed Niall to the side so that she could be in my left and Cailin was in my right. Nialler was in back of me taking a hold of my waist.

"Are you sure? Because there is no going back." Skylyn had this hint of hope in her eyes. Why if she knows that once I make a decision I will never go back.

"I'm positive." I clutched Anahi's hand.

"Okay. I respect your decision. Bye Iris and I'm sorry." She quickly dashed out of the house.

"I'm sorry too... Goodbye Skylyn." I whispered and closed my eyes before I started to cry.

I have my family to support me. That is all I need right know.


Hello my Pringles! Well I love you and thank you for everything! The votes and the reads! You are the best thing that has ever happened to me! I love you! Hope you liked the chapter!

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