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This is POV

This will be for the names/narrating in texts.
This will be for thoughts.
This will be for normal texting.


Class 1-gAy:

S P A R K L E S - Aoyama
AlienQueen - Mina
Kermit - Tsu
BoomBoomBitch - Bakugou
Bitch where?- Hagakure
Iidaddy - Iida
Panic! At the Disco - Jiro
ZapityZap - Denki
RockHard - Kirishima
PureBaby - Koda
Bones? Who's she? - Midoriya
Monkey King - Ojiro
SugarDaddy - Sato
Bondage - Sero
Tentacles - Shoji
Katy Perry - Todoroki
Emo birb - Tokoyami
🖕 gravity - Uraraka
MOMo - Momo
Grapist - Mineta
Coffee Addict - Aizawa


The Emo Squad:

Fuck Endeawhore - Todoroki
Hot Topic - Jiro
Bird Brains - Tokoyami
Toko's bby - Shoji
Hot Insomnicat - Shinsou
FakeSmiles - Midoriya


Deku's POV

It has been exactly three days since I stupidly outed myself on the class groupchat and not once have I been able to attend my classes with no teachers (quite obviously) sneaking constant glances at me. As I predicted, mister Aizawa must have told some, if not all, the staff to keep an eye on me to make sure I'm "okay". 

With all honesty, it has been extremely annoying to say the least. Like- I get that they are worried and all that bullshit, but couldn't they at least make it less obvious? I mean, they are trained pro heros for fucks sake! You would have thought that they were at least taught some sort of stealth techniques in their years of training, it's so frustrating!

As I was lost in thought, the bell rings signaling the end of the day, meaning I can finally go back to my room and get away from everyones continueous, concern-filled glances that just wont stop enveloping me with panic and extreme anxiety. The more they stare, the worse it gets and the more my brain fogs up with thought. Thoughts I hate. Thoughts that will most definitely only make my mental health worse by the end of the day. Thoughts that I want-no, NEED to get rid of.

Quickly, I try to calm down as not to let my panic show and alert everyone around me while they are packing up to leave. Once I fully calmed down and relaxed my body, I packed up my things and left the classroom, heading towards the dorms, not far behind the rest of my class. 

I could see everyone walking together a few meters ahead of me, laughing, smiling and just generally enjoying life being around one another. Heh... even Kacchan seemed as if he was enjoying himself (if his less visible scowl wasn't much to go off of) even if it wasn't as much as the rest. Wow... and there's me. Useless, lonely, worthless Deku walking all alone basically stalking my whole class just because they aren't as fucked up as I am. How pathetic can I seriously get? 

~ At the dorms ~

"Oh, hey Midoriya! We were wondering where you were 'cus we didn't see you walking back with us bro." stated Kirishima, almost shouting when he saw me enter the dorms a few minutes after they did.
"Oh, sorry! I accidently dropped my stuff when I was packing up, heh." I lied, nervously, "Why? Did you need something?" I further asked.
"No, not at all bro! We just wanted to walk with you, that's all!" spoke Kirishima once more with not a hint of dishonesty from what he just said, "But don't worry about it, we'll make sure to wait for you next time!"
"Yeah sorry about that bro! I guess we just got too excited to head back and eat. Today was tiring as hell." sulked Kaminari, looking quite guilty for his previous actions.
"A-ah, that's alright, don't worry about it! I'm not bothered, honestly!" I replied, panicked as to get rid of the guilt they felt. "Plus, you guys would have had to wait longer 'till you could leave to eat if you did wait, and I really wouln't want that! So really, it's okay!" I added, which seemed to have been the right thing to say, seeing as they looked less tense.

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