Say Goodnight

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Bakugo laid in his bed staring at the text message from Midoriya. He found himself itching to run to Ground Beta, but he had to think about this. If it wasn't him, which he doubted, he had to be prepared to fight, but he didn't want to walk into this reunion in full gear.

A reunion. The word hit him like a truck. It had really been that long since he saw him last. He wasn't sure what he would do or say when he saw the nerd and while he was excited, he was angry too. He left him. Midoriya had left and didn't think Bakugo would want to help him, to be by his side, to risk his life along side him. And on top of all that, the damn idiot didn't have the decency to let him know he was okay, to let Inko know he was okay, or even Aizawa. He just... disappeared.

Bakugo wasn't exactly sure how to deal with what would happen if Midoriya didn't want to come back either. Would he follow him into the unknown when he had one semester left? Would he drag Midoriya back to the dorms? Would he beg him to stay or would he let him leave? He genuinely didn't know. He had waited so long for this and now that exactly what he wanted was within reach, he had no idea what to do.

There was a knock on the bedroom door, jolting him out of his thoughts. Through the crack peeped the crimson eyes that had brought him back from the depths this last year.

"Hey Bakubro," Kirishima slipped in cautiously. "Is it okay if I come in?"

"Whatever Shitty Hair," Bakugo grumbled.

Kirishima chuckled, closing the door and flopped down in bed next to Bakugo.

"What happened in class today?"

"Don't want to talk about it," he mumbled. "What'd I miss?"

"Aizawa went with you remember?"

"No shit Sherlock," Bakugo retorted. "But shit always seems to go down when Aizawa leaves a classroom."

Kirishima laughed, shifting in the bed so his head fit in the crook of Bakugo's arm, draping his arm over his stomach.

"Sero tried to convince Tokoyami to show us his new move," Kirishima answered. "But that didn't go too well. It just turned into Dark Shadow telling Aoyama to keep his sparkles to himself."

Bakugo rolled his eyes. He found it interesting that Dark Shadow was gaining more of a personality while Tokoyami was... well, Tokoyami. And while he had a good control on Dark Shadow, she still hated light and made it very well known that Aoyama's twinkling annoyed the hell out of her.

"Sounds like... a shitshow," Bakugo said. He peered at his phone screen, 8:30. He knew he wanted to get to Ground Beta early. He wanted the space to think.

"What's going on in that hard head of yours Bakubabe?'

"Nothing," he mumbled, turning his attention down to Kirishima. He ran his fingers down his cheek, chuckling as Kirishima hardened sections of his face to get him to change direction. He was warm, and soft and everything Bakugo was not. He sighed, wondering how he ended up loving two of the softest guys he had ever encountered in his goddamn life.

"I don't deserve you," he said, twirling a strand of Kirishima's hair around his finger.

"It's been a while since you said something like that," Kirishima answered. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Bakugo nodded, pulling Kirishima's face up to meet his. If there was one thing Bakugo was good at, it was avoiding conversations, and with Kirishima, it was easier, so much easier. His lips pressed against his, using his left hand to grab his waist, pulling him on top of him. He snaked his right hand into Kirishima's hair and pulled him in, feeling his body respond to the gasp Kirishima released. He let out a moan as Kirishima's fingers snaked under his shirt, pressing himself closer to him as he felt him harden his fingers and drag them down his side. Kirishima chuckled.

How Can I Make it Okay? - A BakuDeku StoryWhere stories live. Discover now