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Shinsou, Aizawa, Present Mic and Bakugo walked into their house late that evening to find Midoriya and Eri knocked out on the couch. Aizawa had asked Midoriya to spend the evening watching Eri while everyone was in the meeting with the offer to spend the night, but none of them expected to find them curled up on the couch. Bakugo smiled at the sight. Shinsou moved first, extracting Eri carefully from Midoriya's arms before swinging her over his shoulder. Aizawa started to say something but changed his mind when he realized the sudden swinging motion didn't wake her. Bakugo stood in the corner of the room, watching everyone tiptoe around Midoriya, grabbing tea and food before scurrying away to various parts of the house. He sighed, shrugging his hoodie off and hanging it over the chair in the living room before walking over to reach down and scoop the nerd out of the couch. Midoriya stirred slightly, arms wrapping around Bakugo as he lifted him and walked towards the room they had been staying in before per Aizawa's orders. At this point, there was no reason for them to be staying in the dorms.

"Warm Kacchan," he mumbled sleepily.

"Go back to sleep nerd," Bakugo answered.

"Mmm." Midoriya tucked his face into the corner of Bakugo's neck, sighing. Bakugo nudged the door open with his foot, shutting it the same way and walked towards the bed, leaving the lights off so he could sleep. He leaned over, releasing Midoriya from his grasp, safely onto the bed and started to ease himself away to shower when two hands pulled him back down.

"Don't leave," Midoriya whispered.

"I'm just going to shower."

"Not yet," the words barely left his lips. Bakugo braced his arms on either side of Midoriya's head as he was pulled down, finding Midoriya's mouth against his. Bakugo kissed back, lips hot, tongue flicking against teeth as Midoriya's body arched up trying to get Bakugo closer. Everything between them buzzed. Midoriya kissed back harder, biting Bakugo's lower lip. He released a growl that he couldn't control then. A raw, guttural sound that caught Midoriya off guard. He stared back, eyes sleepy but wide.

"Woah," he mumbled.

"I... it slipped.." Bakugo started when he was cut off.

"I didn't think you could be any more attractive but that...that was..."

"Too much?"


Midoriya pulled him back in before he could say anything else, his right arm trailing down Bakugo's side to hook into his jeans, his thumb digging into hip bones, pulling him closer. He slid his hands up Bakugo's shirt, palms pressed against his back as Bakugo responded, pressing himself into Midoriya. He pulled Bakugo's shirt off, pausing to stare at the muscle that glistened under the light that crept in through the blinds. Bakugo pulled Midoriya up then, enough to pull his shirt over his head, before running a hand down his chest, smiling as a sigh escaped Midoriya's lips. Bakugo could think of nothing more than this moment, right here, his hands grazing Midoriya's scars, trailing down, sliding his fingers across the edge of the tights he had on.

"Are you sure?" Midoriya whispered, eyes bright, welcoming, ready.

Bakugo nodded, shifting then to press his lips against Midoriya's stomach as if he'd done it before. As if this was something they had been doing their whole life. As if he hadn't lost him before. He caressed the scars on his side before dragging his nails down Midoriya's side, pressing harder as he arched up and a moan escaped his mouth. Kacchan.

He stood then, pulling his jeans off. Midoriya's tights followed shortly after. Bakugo pulled himself on top of Midoriya once more, capturing his mouth with his, their tongues dancing together before he pulled back, out of breath.

How Can I Make it Okay? - A BakuDeku StoryWhere stories live. Discover now