Venus Fly Trap

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Kirishima walked into Mina's room, his head hanging. He knew he had played himself sending Bakugo to be with his first love, but it also wouldn't be fair to Bakugo if he tried to hold him captive. He just wanted him to be happy, and he knew that, but that didn't make the thought that Bakugo would leave him to go back to Midoriya hurt any less.

"What's up Kiri?" Mina was perched on top of her desk doing her weekly nail color switch. She stared intently as she added sparkles to her thumb. Kirishima rolled onto the bottom half of her bed, pulling her blanket around him.

"First of all, I just washed that dude. Second, what's gotten into you? Didn't you and Bakugo hash it out?"

"Yeah... and I just about sent him back to the man he loves like an idiot." Kirishima sighed, a long dramatic sigh.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait," Mina closed her bottle of nail polish, blowing on her nail a few times and walked over, moving a few pillows before joining Kirishima. "Sent him back to the man he loves?"

"Midoriya," he started. "From what I've heard you know he's here, but did you know he and Bakugo were a thing?"

"Huh, that makes sense. They sort of got all buddy buddy second semester first year and a little too close if you asked me but I thought it was some weird AllMight cult shit. You know those two love them some AllMight."

"I want to say it's strange... but my Crimson Riot collection would call me a hypocrite."

"Okay but... you aren't on the level they are, have you seen the back of Bakugo's closet? It's damn near an AllMight Shrine?!"

"He boxed that away a while ago," Kirishima realized. When he thought about it, it all got boxed away not too long after Midoriya disappeared.

"Well, what exactly happened?" Mina stretched out propping her feet on Kirishima's back.

"He told me that Midoriya was the first person he loved and that he was here, and he wasn't sure he would survive. The way he described it... the way I saw him that night he came back from when I assume they saved him... Mina," Kirishima's voice cracked. "He was covered in blood. His shirt soaked through, god it... I thought someone had died. So when he told me he had gotten a call that Midoriya was awake... I couldn't tell hold him back from going to see him. Shit, I wanted to go see him too. That night he sounded like someone had killed him the way he was screaming, sobbing. It didn't stop. You all heard it."

Mina nodded. They all tried their best to pretend they didn't hear the way Bakugo's sobs ripped through the dorm. Doing their best to just make sure he knew they'd be available if he needed them, if he needed a shoulder.

"So... Midoriya's awake?"

Kirishima nodded.

"And you're stressed because you're worried that Bakugo will leave you for Midoriya? I'm just trying to make sure I understand this."

Kirishima nodded.

"Okay, listen to me. I want you to know you did the right thing, despite how conflicted you may feel about it. You know how Bakugo feels about being trapped and held down and he'll think about what you did when he considers his choices, because you and I both know that if it's bothering you, then it's probably bothering Bakugo twenty times worse, regardless of whether he'll show it or not."

"When the hell did you get so wise?"

"I read a lot of magazines," Mina shrugged. "But seriously, I know you love him Kiri, but if Midoriya was his first love and he's back, things might change. I want you to be prepared for that. None of us thought Midoriya was coming back, much less alive. Just... keep that in mind. Bakugo thought the one person that he let in was gone and now he's back. And while he's let you in too, I ... wonder if,"

How Can I Make it Okay? - A BakuDeku StoryWhere stories live. Discover now