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Shouta sprinted across campus with no regard for who he ran over on the way. He had listened in as Kirishima spoke to Shinsou, on edge as they told him that Kirishima was also standing in front of him and damn near took off as soon as the words hit his ear. Hizashi tried to grab at him but he was too fast and he could only hope he chose to follow behind him. But Shouta didn't look back, moving as fast as his legs could take him to the MedBay. If Toga got out of here knowing Midoriya was there, then not only would Midoriya be in danger, but all his students would also be. It was a chance he couldn't risk.

But there something was off too. Something Shouta hoped, prayed even that it was just the adrenaline. Yet, as he listened in to Kirishima and Shinsou's conversation, there was no look of shock, worry or surprise on Kirishima's face which wasn't like the red head at all. He wore his emotions on his sleeve. You always knew what he was thinking and how he was feeling. And maybe he was reading into it, but in the time between Toga leaving Todoroki's room and Toga pretending to be Shinsou, he realized, Kirishima was also missing. Shouta had a photographic memory. He could remember miniscule details from battles, training, books, simply because he could see it all in his head as if he were pressing play on a movie. And as he replayed who left and who went where, he realized Kirishima disappeared upstairs right after the text from Todoroki came through. When he popped up again and fit himself into the puzzle, Toga-Shinsou walked in not too long after...from the same stairs Kirishima had re-entered the room from.

He came to a stop. He had no reason to suspect that Kirishima was working with the League of Villains. No one else had a purer heart than him. Shouta had seen it first-hand in the way he put his friends and their needs before his own. To top it all off, anyone that could love Bakugo and put up with everything he had been through on top of his gremlin like attitude wouldn't do anything to hurt his friends. But maybe, Shouta thought, maybe he had a reason to protect his own heart. A reason that had never presented itself to him until today to be exact. Something that wouldn't have crossed his mind unless he felt he had to in order to keep things from changing. A reason, that could break Bakugo's heart if he found out it was true.

But he couldn't have let Toga in. No, Toga did that on her own, Shouta knew that much. In the past, Toga would slip onto campus just because she could. He imagined it was her way of testing them, or maybe a way for her to pretend she was normal and not a villain. But it didn't add up. If Kirishima did in fact tell her Midoriya was in the MedBay, it would have been a last-minute decision. One that presented itself in the deepest part of his mind. One that he would never have given in to unless he was desperate, confused even. And while Shouta was angry that this could be true, he knew jealousy and what if's made people do crazy things. The possibility of losing someone you've given your heart to had the ability to drive the best hero mad. Shouta knew that personally. So, he would handle it with grace. But he had to make sure his problem kids were safe first.

"What happened?! Why did you stop?!"

Hizashi panted behind him, clearly out of breath.

"You need to go back to the dorm, I think... I think I know who told Toga where Midoriya is."

Hizashi looked at Shouta, waiting for an answer, but it never came.

"Send Todoroki to the MedBay." Shouta pulled out his phone and forwarded the directions and the new code to Hizashi. "Send him this and tell him he has to hurry. But no other student is allowed to leave the room, or they'll be expelled immediately."

Hizashi nodded, then turned to go back to the dorms. But he paused, turning back to look at the Shouta who looked more in pain than usual.

How Can I Make it Okay? - A BakuDeku StoryWhere stories live. Discover now