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Todoroki felt a prick on his arm and jumped, then threw ice around his perimeter. There was nothing near him that could have scratched him which meant one thing.

"There's nowhere to run Toga."

Her giggle echoed against the surrounding wall of ice. When she appeared again, he was looking at himself, but there was ice running up his right arm.

"There wasn't," Toga-Todoroki smiled. "But now there is."

Todoroki decided it was in his best interest to push Toga back towards where she had come from, back towards where he could only hope Aizawa and Bakugo were on the hunt for her. He found himself wondering if she had found Midoriya, then realized that if she was running, she had found what she needed and was running back to report.

"Why are you here?"

"To see my husband of course." She tilted her head to the side, sizing him up. "You knew it was me the whole time earlier, didn't you?"

"You should do better research," Todoroki grumbled as he pushed towards her, flames burning. Her arm was frosting over slowly, and she didn't seem to notice it. Not yet at least.

"Feels really good to be recognized, maybe I should make you my boyfriend until they let me see my husband."

Todoroki took a page from Bakugo's book a few months ago and had mastered a similar version of his AP Shot that he released in her direction. She threw ice in a tried attempt to counter, and Todoroki watched as more frost crept down her right arm. She could steal powers, but that didn't mean she knew how to manage them.

"What's your master plan here Toga?"

"No plan, just a visit."

"Who are you reporting back to?"

Toga-Todoroki stared at him for a moment, but he couldn't pick anything up.

"You and your brother are very similar. Smart, but not smart enough."

"Then you underestimate both of us."

"If only I had the time to find out," Toga smirked, turning, and running in the opposite direction. He bolted after her, shooting fire towards her, watching as her speed slowed, as her movements got more sporadic. And then, Toga realized and turned, pointing fire back at him. He shifted out of the way. She was quick with his own power, but not as fast as he was. Every movement, every flame, every ice particle he released had years of training behind it. Toga's only had moments of panic.

"Maybe you're right Shoto, maybe I do underestimate you, maybe I've underestimated all of you at UA. But I can promise you, you won't when you see what's about to come."

She hopped over the broken-down railing, sending her jagged attempt at a slide down to the back entrance. Shoto yelled, hoping Aizawa or Bakugo or anyone would hear him. But no one came, and he watched as Toga-Todoroki sprinted across the back entrance into the forest area behind UA. There was no sense following her. He imagined as soon as she crossed the bushes she would transform again. He had to work smarter, for his friend's sake.

He picked up his phone.

"Shoto?" Dabi answered.

"Find out what Toga's up to."

There was silence on the line for a moment.

"What did she say?"

"Enough that I'm worried about what she'll do next,"

"You have to give me something Shoto," Dabi pressed.

"She didn't give me much either, just a vague statement that we won't underestimate her when we see what's about to come."

How Can I Make it Okay? - A BakuDeku StoryWhere stories live. Discover now