Chaos Mode

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"Woah, Midoriya just beat Bakugo's ass," Kaminari announced to the entire training room. Jirou and Shinsou turned to see Bakugo on the ground, pinned by Midoriya. The morning had gone by filled with hugs, catching up and Aizawa allowing them to use his class period to allow Midoriya time to settle in and get reacquainted with everyone. But he made it very clear that once they went over to training, it would be back to business. Midoriya was overwhelmed at first, seeing his friends in person for the first time in forever felt strange, but it filled his heart with joy. They had questions that he wasn't ready to answer yet, but he still told them all about the cool things he had seen, the way he and Touya became friends and how beautiful the city skyline looked at two in the morning when everyone was asleep. Despite it all, he found himself thinking he had made the right choice.

"You're next dumbass," Bakugo grunted, getting up and walking towards where the rest of the class stood in awe. "You extras shut your mouth, fucking nerd has a lot of quirks, it's an unfair advantage."

"...but he only used one of them," Kaminari mumbled.

"Say it louder Dunce Face, I dare you," Bakugo snapped.

"Woah there, looks like we got good ole Bakugo back," Kirishima laughed.

"Shut up Shitty Hair," Bakugo dropped down onto the mats, grabbing a water bottle. "You all go fight him for yourself and see if you'll feel the same way."

"Sure," Kaminari started to walk towards Midoriya who had on a pair of Aizawa's old stirrup tights. It wasn't lost on him the way Bakugo looked at him when thought he wasn't paying attention. "I'll take my chance next, might as well get it over sooner than later."

"Actually..." Midoriya interrupted. "Would it be okay if I had a go with Shinsou first? I really do want to fight you Denki, I swear, I just..."

"Have some unfinished business from the last time you fought Shinsou?"

Midoriya nodded.

"Oh, so you want to get your ass beat Midoriya?"

"You say that with so much confidence Shinsou. Plan on beating me with Aizawa's scarf again?"

Bakugo's head snapped up.

"You got a lot of mouth for someone that was in a hospital bed a few days ago."

"Says the guy who just got his ass beat by me," Midoriya looked over and winked at him.

"That sounds like a double entendre if I ever heard one," Jirou mumbled.

"Don't push your luck," Bakugo mumbled as Denki gave her a high five.

Midoriya positioned himself on one of the lower pillars as Shinsou swung himself up to the highest point in the room. Midoriya found himself mesmerized by his hero costume. A deep purple hooded tactical suit with LED light trimming that Shinsou had full control over. Midoriya looked closely and realized he had taken some semblance of inspiration from Sero's suit as well. The capture cloth released from mechanics around his wrist and his vocal enhancer had been upgraded. It looked lighter, cooler even. Midoriya made a mental note to pay a visit to Hatsume soon.

"What's got you distracted down there?" Shinsou called out.

"Your suit is so cool!" Midoriya answered. "How did you decide on the mechanics in the wrist? Does it malfunction at any time? Was it to avoid someone using the cloth around your neck to choke you?"

"You talk too much Midoriya," A devious smile crept up Shinsou's face and Midoriya remembered what he was in for, reminding himself that he would have to keep his mouth shut if he wanted to win this fight. "Don't worry, I plan on fighting fair."

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