Make This Go On Forever

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Kirishima sat in his room, trying to distract himself from the words that had left Bakugo's mouth. He never expected to hear them from him, at least, not for a while. He knew Bakugo had been through hell after the war and even though he wouldn't talk about it, Kirishima knew a big part of it had to do with him losing Midoriya. He didn't know what had happened, or how they had gotten so close. But whatever it was, those two became best friends over night. There was still yelling and Bakugo's normal death threats, but they had turned from the angry, leave me alone threats to the kind he reserved for the BakuSquad, the kind that said you still annoy me but I'm okay with it.

He hadn't exactly had a plan for when he wanted to tell Bakugo how he felt. They'd been together for a year, and he expected he'd want to tell him soon, but something didn't feel right about it. He watched as Bakugo avoided eye contact with him, the way he stared at the ceiling refusing to look at him, the person he had just said he loved. And maybe saying those words had scared Bakugo, but it frustrated Kirishima that he could say it and then withdraw into himself as if it never happened to begin with. That after all this time, he still didn't trust that Kirishima wasn't going to break his heart, but would instead, help him find the pieces he felt were missing.


One Year Earlier

Kirishima sat in the training room, panting. Bakugo had beat the shit out of him again, but there was a smirk on his face.

"What's got you so happy Bakubro?"

"I beat your ass Shitty Hair," he smirked.

"You always beat my ass," Kirishima chuckled. "Now tell me what's on your mind or I swear on Crimson Riot I'll come over there and beat it out of bro."

"That wouldn't be very manly of you," Bakugo mocked.

"Okay, rude," Kirishima said standing up. "You can't just go around talking like me. How would you feel if I started yelling at people and telling them to die."

Kirishima marched around, mimicking the way Bakugo walked, yelling "DIE" into the empty training room. He found himself smiling as he watched Bakugo try to hide a laugh. It was the first time he had seen him happy in months. For the most part he stalked around, deflated and Kirishima had tried his hardest to make his angsty friend's days better.

"That's close," Bakugo said. "But you should hide that smile, might give people the wrong impression of me."

"And what impression is that," Kirishima asked, a little softer as he walked towards Bakugo.

Bakugo ducked his face down, hiding his expression as he pulled his guards off and drained his gauntlets. He was careful and meticulous with his gear, polishing it before he placed it back in the case. He was less careful with himself, running head first into fights he had no business running into lately. But Kirishima still joined him, making sure he wasn't alone, refusing to let the blonde gremlin hurt himself anymore than he already did.

A few months earlier Kirishima had heard sparks going off in Bakugo's room. His room was next to Bakugo's and most nights, he listened to the lofi hip hop that Bakugo often fell asleep to. But that night in particular, nothing sounded normal. He listened for a moment to the popping and crackling, and then he heard muffled screams. Kirishima ran out of his room, using the spare key Bakugo had given him for emergencies to let himself in, but what he saw wasn't what he expected. Sitting shirtless on his bed sat Bakugo, covered in burns, his hand pressed against his skin as he let sparks off. He didn't even notice Kirishima come in. It was as if he was so hyper fixated on what he was doing, on the pain he was inflicting on himself, that he didn't hear anything. When Kaminari came running down the hallway to see what was going on, Kirishima held his hand up, signaling that Kaminari stay back and shut the door behind him. It was the click of the door that got Bakugo's attention, and he watched as his friend tried to scramble to put a shirt on.

How Can I Make it Okay? - A BakuDeku StoryWhere stories live. Discover now