Chapter 1

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"Can you believe we won tickets to Ending Tuesday's concert tonight?" I asked Bailey as I was pulling a lever to pour into a customer a beer cup. I wasn't paying enough attention and ended up overflowing the cup which ended up resulting in the floor being covered in foam. I slowly looked up to the customer to whisper sorry but before I could I received a threatening glare. Well there goes my tip. I rolled my eyes at him while putting his beer in front of him then quickly turned away before he could say anything about it.

"I know, you're finally going to live your dream of looking at Rhett in his 'big dreamy blue eyes'. Bailey mocked me and continued with "Maybe you'll be Mrs. Grace Coleman by the end of the night" She sent me a wink as she was picking up the dirty dishes off of the counter to bring back to the kitchen of our bar.

"Hey, little lady over here!" I laughed recognizing his voice before turning around "Robby, does your wife know you are here?" I placed my hands on my hips and walked over to him with the best intimidating look I could muster. "Of course not! By now you should have her number on speed dial." He laughed back at me.

"Trust me I do! Sherry and I are pretty close friends now, thanks to you. Should I take your keys now or in an hour when you are passed out on the floor?" I sarcastically responded to him. He placed his hand on his belly and let out a laugh "No need for that tonight I'm only having a couple. My beer belly is getting too big." 

"Alright Robby, I will hold you to that, I am leaving in about twenty minutes for a concert and the newbie bartenders are coming in after me and they don't know how to handle you yet. If I give you this bud light, you promise to be on your best behavior?" He nodded in response and I quickly put his beer down in front of him with a wink. "I'll start your tab." I said as I walked away. 

Getting back to work I thought about how Bailey and I both decided to take a gap year or two and move together to L.A from South Lake Tahoe, Nevada for an adventure before we both become 'adults'. We found this bar to work at, in the heart of L.A to save up money for when we do decide to go back to college. Last September we had an open mic night and this band Ending Tuesday's came in and I instantly fell in love with the band. Eight months later they have grown a huge fan base and they are known all across the world. The whole band consisted of a guitarist who is Ben Knight, a bassist Connor Wright, a drummer Jack Wilson, and most importantly the lead singer Rhett Coleman.

You ready to go? Our shift is over, we have to hurry if we want to get ready and make it on time!" I quickly emptied my pockets and threw my apron on the counter and headed towards the door. Both of us greeted the next shift bartenders who were walking in and yelled a quick 'bye' to our boss Ryan as we headed out the door.

The hot smoggy L.A air quickly took my breath away right as we stepped outside, it took a few seconds for my lungs to adjust to the outside air quality. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket to check the time '4:23' it read. "Dang, we really have to hurry home" I looked at Bailey who was deep in thought next to me. She just nodded her head in agreement and we picked up our pace. The walk from our work back to our apartment roughly took fifteen minutes through the heart of L.A. Our first week of being here it was amazing to walk around to sight see but now it's kind of old and you realize how disgusting downtown really is. It's full of people trying to sell useless things, people holding snakes, and unrecognizable garbage...

It took a while for me to pick out an outfit because the only thing running through my head was 'what if I end up meeting the band' which I secretly knew wouldn't happen, but a girl can dream. Deciding to take a break from finding an outfit I decided to touch up my makeup with some blush, lipstick and more mascara. Since I had work this morning I decided to do my makeup this morning so I wouldn't have much of it to do when I got off. 

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